Venue: Job Shop, West Orchard Way, Coventry, CV1 1QX
Contact: Caroline Taylor Tel: 024 7697 8701 Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies for Absence Minutes: The Chair, Councillor K Caan, welcomed everyone to the meeting, thanking the Job Shop for hosting and advising the theme of the meeting was employment, skills and healthy workplaces.
The Chair welcomed Sukriti Sen, Director of Children’s Services, Doug Howart, Dean of Students at Coventry University and Councillor M Lapsa to their first Coventry Health and Wellbeing Board Meeting. Representatives of the Voluntary and Community Social Enterprises, Christine McNaught, CEO of Foleshill Women’s Training and Selina Reid, CEO of St Francis Employability Support were also welcomed to the meeting.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 273 KB Minutes: Minutes of the meeting held on 6th March 2024 were agreed and signed as a true record.
There were no matters arising.
Chair's Update Verbal update of the Chair, Councillor K Caan Minutes: The Chair, Councillor Caan, welcomed everyone to the first Coventry Health and Wellbeing Board meeting of the new Municipal year, providing an update on Sportsfest, which was very well attended in August.
The Board were reminded of the new Coventry and Warwickshire Sexual Health Hub, recently opened in West Orchards, providing a range of services and also Stoptober; a system wide Coventry and Warwickshire campaign including a new website, all funded through smokefree funding.
The Chair brought to the Board’s attention, the launch of the GoCV+ free baby scan printed photograph in collaboration between Start for Life, Public Health and UHCW, which would help with bonding and inequalities; the Vaccine Superheroes campaign, which invited primary schools, including special needs schools to take part in the campaign designed to inspire and empower school communities to champion childhood vaccination through engaging and educational activities and its ultimate aim was to increase the number of children and young people in Coventry protected against vaccine-preventable diseases.
Director of Public Health Update/Wellbeing Update Verbal update of the Director of Public Health and Wellbeing Minutes: The Board received a verbal update of the Director of Public Health and Wellbeing advising this update was to replace the report previously received from the NHS during the pandemic and pandemic recovery period and suggesting feedback from Members would be gratefully received.
The Director advised the Board on public health and wellbeing events over the past few months, welcoming the new, city centre based sexual health service, advising an outreach model was currently being explored to help those who may have more need, and highlighting Stoptober.
RESOLVED that the Health and Wellbeing Board note the verbal update from the Director of Public Health and Wellbeing.
Employment and Skills Landscape Verbal update of the Head of Skills Employment and Adult Education Minutes: Employment and Skills Landscape
The Board received a verbal update and presentation of the Head of Skills, Employment and Adult Education which provided the context and landscape of Employment and Skills in the city including information on the Job Shop.
Members of the Board, having considered the verbal report and presentation, asked questions and received information from officers on the following matters:
· The Job Shop had strong links with voluntary and community groups and officers undertook collaborative work with the VCSE community to deliver services. · The Job Shop had a good relationship with key partner, the NHS. The internship with UHCW had worked well and been successful in securing long term work. Work had been undertaken with Anchor Alliance Institutions where there were opportunities to work more effectively together.
Data on the numbers coming to the Job Shop to volunteer would be provided to Councillor Lapsa.
RESOLVED that the Board note the verbal update from the Head of Skills, Employment and Adult Education.
Business committed to a fairer Coventry PDF 130 KB Briefing Note of the Programme Manager - Inequalities Minutes: The Board received a briefing note and a presentation of the Programme Manager, Inequalities and the Strategic Lead, Economic Development Service regarding strengthening Businesses Committed to a Fairer Coventry.
Reducing inequalities and improving health was a core priority for Coventry and was embedded within the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Marmot City work, One Coventry Plan, and Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC).
Coventry and Warwickshire’s ICB’s Health Inequalities Strategy had ‘people on long term sickness benefit’ as Coventry’s Place ‘Plus’ group; part of Core 20 plus 5.
The health and wellbeing of Coventry’s workforce was embedded in the work undertaken by the Economic Development Service, working in partnership with Public Health. When supporting local businesses, the team raised awareness of measures that businesses could take to reduce health inequalities, whilst also improving the performance of their business. Additionally, social value was an important aspect of support that was brought to the attention of local employers.
A ’Call to Action’ campaign was launched with Coventry businesses in 2021 however, due to the impact of Brexit, Covid and emerging costs of living crisis, there was limited traction.
Businesses Committed to a Fairer Coventry (BCTAFC) had developed since 2022 from the initial campaign and in response to the national growing movement of business and health equality. BCTAFC was a web based ‘toolkit’ with information to support Coventry’s small and medium sized businesses to grow and develop with improving the equity as the ethos underpinning it. It was accessible for businesses via searching webpages or through contact with Council’s Business Advisors Team and other stakeholders.
Public Health had developed the toolkit in close partnership with the Business Support team, part of the Economic Development Service.
The web pages and toolkit were now live and in first draft which had been shared with all stakeholders for comments on 10th June 2024. The webpages would start to be socialised by stakeholder members as a pilot and to see how businesses interact with the toolkit and how the business feedback could be further developed over the next 6 months.
It was planned that a full launch would be undertaken in January 2025.
The Board requested details of the next steps, which they would provide feedback on.
RESOLVED that the Board agreed to strengthen Businesses committed to a Fairer Coventry to support the wider system work taking place.
Briefing Note of Chief People Officer, Coventry & Warwickshire ICB Minutes: The Board received a briefing note and presentation of the Chief People Officer, Coventry & Warwickshire ICB which updated members on employment-related activity that contributed to delivery of the fourth aim of the Integrated Care System (ICS), supporting broader social and economic development and the WorkWell Programme, Employability Academy and ICS Work and Health Strategy.
Coventry and Warwickshire were one of 15 WorkWell Vanguard areas in England, testing a new health and work support service helping people with health conditions remain in or return to work. The ICB had been awarded up to £1.75m to deliver the pilot which would connect the recently unemployed or at risk of unemployment due to mental health to local support services to help them overcome barriers to employment.
The Employability Academy aimed to create meaningful and accessible education, employment and training opportunities supporting diversity and inclusivity across Coventry and Warwickshire.
Members of the Board requested:
· Presentation slides to be circulated.
· Data to be circulated regarding those who have accessed and sustained employment including social mobility information.
RESOLVED that the Board:
1) Note the delivery of the WorkWell Programme and progress made to date with the Employability Academy.
2) Support the ambition and aims of these initiatives and promote/continue to promote them.
3) Suggest any further partners who may benefit from linking in with the Employability Academy.
4) Use the development of an integrated ICS-wide Work and Health Strategy as an opportunity to consider how to better integrate work and health to improve outcomes for our communities.
Briefing Note of the Programme Manager – Lifestyles Minutes: The Board received a briefing note and presentation of the Programme Manager – Lifestyles, updating Members on the work and focus of Coventry and Warwickshire Wellbeing For Life Programme and the Workplace Wellbeing Forum stream, and identifying opportunities for more organisations to be involved in the Workplace Wellbeing Forum.
The Wellbeing For Life programme was a result of the Year of Wellbeing Programme in 2019. This programme centred around awareness raising of 5 ways to wellbeing, improving physical activity levels in school children and supporting local businesses to create a healthy workforce.
The Workplace Wellbeing Forum was free to local businesses and had a focus on health. Various events over the past 3 years had focused on different aspects of physical health, mental health and financial and social health. It had created a forum for businesses to share best practice, learn from others, discuss challenges within their workforce and how to implement new practices and policies.
Key workstreams had been linked into this forum such as Suicide Prevention, Climate Change, financial support, menopause training and a range of physical health conditions which impacted productivity and risk of sickness absence.
Members of the Board, having considered the briefing note and presentation, asked questions and received information from officers on the Wellbeing for Life Suicide Prevention forum which linked into a network of over 150 organisations including voluntary and community organisations.
Members requested that officers provide visual links showing how to signpost to wellbeing services.
RESOLVED that the Board:
1) Raise awareness of Coventry and Warwickshire Workplace Wellbeing Forums.
2) Encourage local businesses to support/host events with a health focus.
Social Value Network Progress Update PDF 217 KB Briefing Note of:
- Chief Executive, NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board - Population Health Transformation Officer, Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care System
Minutes: The Board received a briefing note and presentation of the Chief Executive of NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Health Board and the Population Health Transformation Officer, Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care System updating members on the work to develop a Social Value Charter for Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care System (ICS).
The fourth aim of the ICS is helping the NHS to support broader social and economic development. In 2023, a scoping exercise indicated there was a lot of activity in the system relating to the delivery of the fourth aim but that much of it was fragmented.
In order to strengthen delivery of the ICS fourth aim, the ICB was working with a national social value network to develop a co-produced framework for social value activity within the ICS, focused on how as a system, partners could work together to improve economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the area.
The work would provide a system-wide approach, involving all ICS partners and the wider community.
The ICB and ICS were currently working on some programmes linked to social value, however, this work was being developed as an overarching framework which would provide clarity and consistency and enable a shared evidence-base of social value delivery to be collected. It would also provide external validation through the Social Value Quality Mark (SVQM) health award.
A working group had been established for each of the themes of the SVQM health award which were: health and wellbeing; education and skills, employment and volunteering, social and community, economic, environmental, and leadership.
The working group had discussed priority areas to be reflected in a shared definition of social value for the system, along with ideas about existing work and ambitions that could be included within an ICS social value charter.
The draft definition and charter had been shared in July with the Integrated Care Partnership, who were supportive of the Charter, emphasising it should add value and deliver meaningful action with a focus on the role of the partners as anchor institutions.
The initial draft Social Value Charter is as follows:
“Coventry and Warwickshire ICS is committed to embedding social value across all that we do. To that end, we have carried out an engagement process with colleagues, partners and customers, to determine what our social value principles will be. These principles will help us to deliver on our overarching social value ambition, which we define as: · To reduce health inequalities in our local population and to support people to have more independent lives – closely aligned to the Marmot Principles (social) · To encourage local employment and support local economic growth (economic) · To reduce our carbon footprint and increase the sustainability of our services (environmental).
In order to meet these ambitions, C&W ICS will:
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Health and Wellbeing Strategy PDF 145 KB Briefing Note of the Consultant in Public Health Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received a briefing note and presentation of the Consultant in Public Health (Insight) setting out the progress made towards the refresh of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) was a means by which local leaders across health and care worked together to understand and agree the needs of all people in Coventry. It was owned by the Coventry Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) and helped the Board to set its priorities and strategy. The production of a JSNA along with a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy was a statutory requirement placed upon the HWBB under the Health and Social Care Act 2012.
Following the publication of the Citywide profile, the Health and Wellbeing Board agreed to take a place-based approach to the remaining JSNA’s, based around 6 priority areas:
This reflected the national policy direction towards population-based health and care systems.
The JSNA was being used as a vehicle for engaging and involving local partners and stakeholders to give more in-depth understanding of the assets and needs of geographical areas within the city and support programmes and strategies founded on community resilience and service delivery at locality level. The process involved the collection of ‘hard’ evidence from data sources, as well as collating consultation information with local stakeholders to understand the key issues facing local communities.
Since the last JSNA update at the Health and Wellbeing Board in September 2023, the following progress had been made:
· Six place-based profiles and summary profiles had been completed incorporating a range of data and analysis of outputs from engagement work. · Recommendations for further action and gaps which require more support. · Coventry Citywide Intelligence Hub was currently undergoing redevelopment to ensure information was user friendly and up to date.
Next steps were as follows:
· Further ensure the visibility and usefulness of the JSNAs to internal and external partners to develop and implement a plan to improve accessibility and impact of JSNA information. · Continue to enable and facilitate the strategic use of the JSNA by the Council and its partners as a mechanism to ensure qualitative insight from communities informing decision making as part of a Population Health Management approach. · Review the approach to the JSNA, working with partners in the Coventry Care Collaborative to ensure the JSNA supports integrated health and care commissioning and aligns with PHM development work. · Review and strengthen governance processes for the JSNA to enhance collaboration, accountability and visibility in future JSNA activities.
Members of the Board, having considered the briefing note and presentation, asked questions and received information from officers on the following matters:
· Data and partner engagement both fed into the Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy.
RESOLVED that the Board:
1) Review and approve publication of the six place-based profiles and summary documents and support its dissemination within member organisations.
2) Note recommendations within the profile and encourage all member ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Supplementary Statement Governance PDF 109 KB Report of:
- Programme Manager – Lifestyles - Consultant in Public Health Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a briefing note of the Director of Public Health and Wellbeing updating Members on the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) Supplementary Statement.
The purpose of the PNA was to assess local needs for pharmaceutical service provision across Coventry and Warwickshire. It should identify gaps in service or unmet needs of the local population. It should also identify any services that pharmacies could provide to address these needs and promote them to Coventry and Warwickshire’s population to improve uptake of these services. It was a tool to enable Health and Wellbeing Boards to identify the current and future commissioning of services required from pharmaceutical service providers.
The Health and Wellbeing Board had a statutory responsibility to publish and keep up to date the PNA for the population in its area through supplementary statements which were a way of updating what the PNA said about the availability of pharmaceutical services and, once issued, became a part of the PNA.
Members requested information regarding the reduction of access and reduction in hours of access.
RESOLVED that the Board note the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Supplementary Statement.
Coventry & Warwickshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Board Update PDF 143 KB Briefing Note of the Consultant in Public Health
Minutes: The board received a briefing note providing an update on the Coventry and Warwickshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Board which outlined proposals to evolve working arrangements to support the ICS and ICP structures.
The coming together of Coventry’s and Warwickshire’s Health and Wellbeing Board first took place in 2017 when they met with then Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) to form the Coventry & Warwickshire Place Forum. In 2018 the Place Forum developed the Coventry & Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Concordat, setting out how it would work together to improve health outcomes for local people. The Concordat was signed by both Coventry & Warwickshire(C&W) Chairs of Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBB)s and it led to joint working across C&W, including through the Year of Wellbeing 2019, the King’s Fund population health framework, and the C&W COVID-19 Health Impact Assessment. The Concordat also fed into both C&W Health and Wellbeing Strategies and later in December 2022 the Integrated Care System (ICS) Strategy.
Between 2021 and 2024, as the new ICS infrastructure was emerging, the C&W Place Forum morphed into the Joint Place Forum and Health and Care Partnership Board (2021); the C&W Integrated Health and Wellbeing Forum (2022) which was facilitated by NHS Elect and had a broad membership across health and care; and finally the C&W Joint Health and Wellbeing Board development session (2024) chaired by the Local Government Association (LGA) and with a smaller membership consisting only of HWBB members.
The Coventry and Warwickshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Board (JHWBB) development session was held on the 8th January 2024. The development session was facilitated by the Local Government Association (LGA) peer associates, with support from the Partners in Care and Health Programme. All HWBB members and HWBB Executive Group members were invited to the development session.
Two group activities were facilitated on the day, the first focusing on the role of the HWBB within the wider integrated care system (ICS) architecture and asking participants to articulate their understanding of these roles, purpose and alignment across the ICS.
There were a number of gaps identified if the JHWBB development sessions were to be stood down:
· No district and borough representation on the ICP (either elected member or officer). · Democratic voice is stronger on the Joint HWBB (due to the nature of HWBB make-up).
Joint HWBB development sessions provided a private forum, whereas the ICP met in public.
The scope of the second activity was adapted on the day in order to flow from the discussions within activity one. Each table was asked to explore establishing a system CEO forum; strengthening the citizens voice within the ICS; and how the HWBBs can better connect with the ICP:
Health and Wellbeing Board Members Headline Updates and Future Work Programme Items Minutes: The Board received a verbal report of the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board advising this was a new regular agenda item. Future work meeting themes would be:
4th December 2024 Adults and Healthy Ageing 5th February 2025 Children, Young People and Families 12th March 2025 Very Vulnerable People
Any other items of public business Any other items of public business which the Chair decides to take as matters of urgency because of the special circumstances involved Minutes: There were no other items of public business.