Agenda item

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Briefing Note of the Consultant in Public Health


The Board received a briefing note and presentation of the Consultant in Public Health (Insight) setting out the progress made towards the refresh of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.


The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) was a means by which local leaders across health and care worked together to understand and agree the needs of all people in Coventry.  It was owned by the Coventry Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) and helped the Board to set its priorities and strategy.  The production of a JSNA along with a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy was a statutory requirement placed upon the HWBB under the Health and Social Care Act 2012.


Following the publication of the Citywide profile, the Health and Wellbeing Board agreed to take a place-based approach to the remaining JSNA’s, based around 6 priority areas:


  • Tile Hill
  • Canley
  • Foleshill and Longford
  • Binley and Willenhall
  • Bell Green and WEHM (Wood End, Henley Green and Manor Farm)
  • Hillfields


This reflected the national policy direction towards population-based health and care systems.


The JSNA was being used as a vehicle for engaging and involving local partners and stakeholders to give more in-depth understanding of the assets and needs of geographical areas within the city and support programmes and strategies founded on community resilience and service delivery at locality level.  The process involved the collection of ‘hard’ evidence from data sources, as well as collating consultation information with local stakeholders to understand the key issues facing local communities.


Since the last JSNA update at the Health and Wellbeing Board in September 2023, the following progress had been made:


·  Six place-based profiles and summary profiles had been completed incorporating a range of data and analysis of outputs from engagement work.

·  Recommendations for further action and gaps which require more support.

·  Coventry Citywide Intelligence Hub was currently undergoing redevelopment to ensure information was user friendly and up to date.


Next steps were as follows:


·  Further ensure the visibility and usefulness of the JSNAs to internal and external partners to develop and implement a plan to improve accessibility and impact of JSNA information.

·  Continue to enable and facilitate the strategic use of the JSNA by the Council and its partners as a mechanism to ensure qualitative insight from communities informing decision making as part of a Population Health Management approach.

·  Review the approach to the JSNA, working with partners in the Coventry Care Collaborative to ensure the JSNA supports integrated health and care commissioning and aligns with PHM development work.

·  Review and strengthen governance processes for the JSNA to enhance collaboration, accountability and visibility in future JSNA activities.


Members of the Board, having considered the briefing note and presentation, asked questions and received information from officers on the following matters:


·  Data and partner engagement both fed into the Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy.



RESOLVED that the Board:


1)  Review and approve publication of the six place-based profiles and summary documents and support its dissemination within member organisations.


2)  Note recommendations within the profile and encourage all member organisations to make use of the place based JSNA’s, including in the planning and commissioning of relevant services.


3)  Support next steps to review the approach to future JSNA’s


4)  Note progress being made to update the Citywide Intelligence Hub


Supporting documents: