Briefing Note of:
- Chief Executive, NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board
- Population Health Transformation Officer, Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care System
The Board received a briefing note and presentation of the Chief Executive of NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Health Board and the Population Health Transformation Officer, Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care System updating members on the work to develop a Social Value Charter for Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care System (ICS).
The fourth aim of the ICS is helping the NHS to support broader social and economic development. In 2023, a scoping exercise indicated there was a lot of activity in the system relating to the delivery of the fourth aim but that much of it was fragmented.
In order to strengthen delivery of the ICS fourth aim, the ICB was working with a national social value network to develop a co-produced framework for social value activity within the ICS, focused on how as a system, partners could work together to improve economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the area.
The work would provide a system-wide approach, involving all ICS partners and the wider community.
The ICB and ICS were currently working on some programmes linked to social value, however, this work was being developed as an overarching framework which would provide clarity and consistency and enable a shared evidence-base of social value delivery to be collected. It would also provide external validation through the Social Value Quality Mark (SVQM) health award.
A working group had been established for each of the themes of the SVQM health award which were: health and wellbeing; education and skills, employment and volunteering, social and community, economic, environmental, and leadership.
The working group had discussed priority areas to be reflected in a shared definition of social value for the system, along with ideas about existing work and ambitions that could be included within an ICS social value charter.
The draft definition and charter had been shared in July with the Integrated Care Partnership, who were supportive of the Charter, emphasising it should add value and deliver meaningful action with a focus on the role of the partners as anchor institutions.
The initial draft Social Value Charter is as follows:
“Coventry and Warwickshire ICS is committed to embedding social value across all that we do. To that end, we have carried out an engagement process with colleagues, partners and customers, to determine what our social value principles will be. These principles will help us to deliver on our overarching social value ambition, which we define as:
· To reduce health inequalities in our local population and to support people to have more independent lives – closely aligned to the Marmot Principles (social)
· To encourage local employment and support local economic growth (economic)
· To reduce our carbon footprint and increase the sustainability of our services (environmental).
In order to meet these ambitions, C&W ICS will:
It was intended that the Charter would be co-produced with partners and local people and communities, informed by an understanding of what social value means for local people. A plan for engagement and co-production of the Charter was being developed. Links were underway with the working group leading on the Prevention Condordat for Better Mental Health and, within the ICB, work was planned to identify organisational pledges and Key Value indicators to develop a roadmap for delivery of the pledges. This would enable the ICB to apply for the Social Value Quality Mark for Health Bronze Award. The final draft definition and Charter would be taken to the ICP for endorsement and recommendation for adoption by individual NHS partner organisations.
Members of the Board, having considered the briefing note and presentation, asked questions and received information from officers the One Coventry Values aligning with the work undertaken, based on Marmot and the work with the JSNA.
RESOLVED that the Board:
1) Note the work in progress to develop a Social Value Charter for Coventry and Warwickshire ICS and proposed process for developing and agreeing the Charter.
2) Give feedback on the draft social value definition and Charter.
3) Share examples of existing partner activity that delivers social value for local communities that should be reflected in the Charter and suggest opportunities for alignment.
Supporting documents: