Agenda and minutes

Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment - Monday, 24th August, 2015 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Council House. View directions

Contact: Suzanne Bennett 

No. Item


Declaration of Interests


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 74 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 20 July, 2015 were signed as a true record. There were no matters arising.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

To consider whether to exclude the press and public for the items of private business for the reasons shown in the report.


RESOLVED that approval be given to exclude the press and public under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 for consideration of the private reports indicated below on the grounds that the items involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act, as they contain information relating to the identity, financial or business affairs of an organisation (including the authority holding that information) and the amount of expenditure proposed to be incurred by the Council under a particular contract for the supply of goods or services: and that in all circumstances of the cases, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information:-


Minute Number  Subject Matter


21  Land Disposal London Road


22  Land Disposal Lower Ford Street and Tower Street


23  Livingstone Road – Terms of Disposal



1a Durham Crescent Coventry - Surrender of Lease and Sale of Property pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Place

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of Place which indicated that 1a Durham Crescent, Coventry is in the freehold ownership of the City Council and is subject to a 99 year lease, granted to Abbeyfield UK (who are now known as The Abbeyfield Society), at a peppercorn rent, which has 54 years unexpired. Until recently, Abbeyfield ran the property as a home for the elderly but have closed the home which is now surplus to their requirements and vacant. The ground lease from the Council contains a prohibition against the assignment of the lease so Abbeyfield is unable to dispose of its ground lease to anyone other than the Council.


Abbeyfield have approached the Council seeking to surrender the lease and terms have been agreed on the basis of a simultaneous surrender of the lease and sale of the freehold interest in the property with the proceeds of the sale being split between the Council and Abbeyfield. In order to obtain best consideration for the freehold interest, the property will be offered for sale at auction.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


(1)  Approves the agreement to sell the Council’s freehold interest at auction with the proceeds of sale being split between the Council and Abbeyfield UK on the basis reported and simultaneously accepts a surrender of Abbeyfield ground leasehold interest.


(2)  Delegates authority of the Executive Director of Resources to complete an Agreement to Surrender, a Deed of Surrender and sale of the freehold interest in the property.


Proposed Relocation of the Link Extended Learning Centre to the Watcombe Centre pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Place

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of Place which indicated that the Link Extended Learning Centre (ELC) is a Key Stage 4 Pupil Referral Unit which is currently located at the former Chace Primary School in Willenhall. The Council, as statutory provider, is faced with identifying a suitable location for this service from the Chace building, which only has a short life remaining. 


A number of alternative locations have been considered for relocation of the service, details of which were contained in the report, and the Watcombe Centre, Wood End,  is the preferred option which has been unoccupied since its vacation in 2014. The estimated cost of the refurbishment works is £100k, which would be met from within the 2015/16 Education Capital programme. The target date for completion is 1 November 2015.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


(1)  Approves the relocation of The Link Early Learning Centre to the Watcombe Centre with effect from November 2015 and to the bringing of the Watcombe Centre into the Educational portfolio of buildings.


(2)  Approves the refurbishment/remodelling of the property at an estimated cost of £100k, to be funded from the 2015/16 Education Capital Programme.


(3)  Declares The Link Early Learning Centre site surplus to operational requirements and requests officers to dispose of it. 


Land Disposal London Road pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Place

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Executive Director of Place which indicated that, in partnership with the Homes and Community Agency (HCA) a development site was assembled in Coventry, on the corner of London Road, junction 4 of the Ring Road and Paradise Street. The site extends to approximately 0.97 acres which is owned 0.66 acres (68.04%) by the HCA and 0.31 acres (31.96%) by the Council.


Commercial property agents Lambert Smith Hampton were selected by the joint land owners to market the site. Originally marketed in 2013 resulting in offers which were considered not acceptable, the site was remarketed in 2014 producing much stronger financial offers. Owners of the adjoining Elite AXO Student housing development produced the highest tender bid for the site. This report sought approval to the disposal of the Councils land simultaneously with the HCA land, which would see the development of 408 student flats across the whole site and a prominent development at an important gateway site to the City Centre.


A corresponding private report, detailing confidential financial matters was also submitted for consideration (Minute 21 below refers).


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


(1)  Approves the disposal of the Council’s freehold interest in the land in accordance with the terms contained in the corresponding private report.


(2)  Delegates authority to the Assistant Director for City Centre and Development Services, Executive Director Resources and Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Services as appropriate following consultation with Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise & Employment to agree any variations or new requirements that are deemed necessary to give effect to the proposals.


(3)  Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Resources and Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic to complete the necessary legal documentation in this matter and collect the agreed consideration.



Land Disposal Lower Ford Street and Tower Street pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Report of Executive Director of Place

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment considered a report of the Executive Director of Place which indicated that the City Council has been approached by Coventry University to sell two pieces of land to them. The report sought approval to dispose of the freehold interests in the following parcels of land:-


1)  0.064 acres in Lower Ford Street, which is currently used as 12 surface car park spaces

2)  0.43 acres in Tower Street which was previously used under lease as a service yard by the Royal Mail in conjunction with the adjoining mail centre which the University have recently acquired together with this leasehold which runs for a term of 99 years from the 24th November 1959. 


Coventry University owns the freehold of the land adjoining the sites they are seeking to purchase. To aid the development of the combined sites, the University is seeking to acquire the Councils freehold interest in the two sites.


A corresponding private report, detailing confidential financial matters was also submitted for consideration (Minute 22 below refers).


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


(1) Approves the granting of negotiations with Coventry University with Coventry University for a five year option to acquire part of the Lower Ford Street car park (shown on the plan at Appendix 1) at market value at the time of transfer subject to a minimum purchase price and conditional on planning permission being granted. 


(2) Approves the disposal of the freehold parcel of land at Tower Street to Coventry University subject to the existing lease


(3) Approves the commencement of the process to remove part of the land in Lower Ford Street from the City of Coventry (Off Street Parking Places) Order 2005 (as amended).


(4) Delegates authority to the Assistant Director for City Centre and Development Services, Executive Director Resources and Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Services as appropriate following consultation with Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise & Employment to agree any variations or new requirements that are deemed necessary to give effect to the proposals.


(5) Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Resources and Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Services to complete the necessary legal documentation in this matter and collect the agreed consideration.



Livingstone Road - Terms of Disposal pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Place

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment considered a report of the Executive Director of Place which sought approval to the terms for the disposal of the former Foleshill Leisure Centre site at Livingstone Road to be developed for a Primary Care Centre and supported social care accommodation.


Authority to negotiate the terms of disposal with Arden Estates Partnership (AEP) for these purposes was given at the Cabinet Member Meeting on 1st December 2014 (Minute 45/14 refers) . AEP is the exclusive developer of NHS Primary Care accommodation in Coventry. Authority was also given at the same meeting to demolish the former Foleshill Leisure Centre that occupied the site within a budget of £360,000. Demolition has been completed and the full cost of demolition will be recovered from the receipt arising from disposal.


The former Leisure centre has been re - provided at Centre AT7 and has recently celebrated its first anniversary of opening. Usage of the new centre is significantly improved on the former centre.


A corresponding private report, detailing confidential financial matters was also submitted for consideration (Minute 23 below refers).


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and

Employment approves the disposal of the former Foleshill Lesiure Centre site in accordance with the terms detailed in the private report submitted.






Outstanding Issues pdf icon PDF 55 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Resources


The Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment noted a report of the Executive Director of Resources that identified those issues which the Cabinet Member had requested further reports on.


Any Other Items of Urgent Public Business


There were no other items of urgent public business.


Land Disposal London Road

Report of the Executive Director of Place


(Listing Officer: P. Beesley Tele: 024 7683 1377)


Further to Minute 16 above, the Cabinet Member considered a report of the

Executive Director of Place which detailed confidential financial matters in relation to the disposal of land on the corner of London Road, junction 4 of the Ring Road and Paradise Street.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:


(1) Approves the disposal of the Councils freehold interest in the land in accordance with the terms contained in the report submitted.


(2) Delegates authority to the Assistant Director for City Centre and Development Services, Executive Director of Resources and Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Services as appropriate following consultation with Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise & Employment to agree any variations or new requirements that are deemed necessary to give effect to the proposals.


(3) Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Resources and Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic to complete the necessary legal documentation in this matter and collect the agreed consideration.




Land Disposal Lower Ford Street and Tower Street

Report of the Executive Director of Place


(Listing Officer: P. Beesley Tele: 024 7683 1377)



Further to Minute  17 above, the Cabinet Member considered a report of the

Executive Director of Place which detailed confidential financial matters in relation to the freehold disposals of parcels of land in Lower Ford Street and Tower Street to Coventry University.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment:-


(1) Approves the granting of negotiations with Coventry University for a five year option to acquire part of the Lower Ford Street car park (shown on the plan at Appendix 1) at market value at the time of transfer subject to a minimum purchase price as identified in the report submitted and conditional on planning permission being granted. 


(2) Approves the disposal of the freehold parcel of land at Tower Street to Coventry University in consideration of the sum identified in the report submitted (subject to the existing lease)


(3) Approves the commencement of the process to remove part of the land in Lower Ford Street from the City of Coventry (Off Street Parking Places) Order 2005 (as amended).


(4) Delegates authority to the Assistant Director for City Centre and Development Services, Executive Director of Resources and Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Services as appropriate following consultation with Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise & Employment to agree any variations or new requirements that are deemed necessary to give effect to the proposals.


(5) Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Resources and Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Services to complete the necessary legal documentation in this matter and collect the agreed consideration.






Livingstone Road - Terms of Disposal

Report of the Executive Director of Place.


(Listing officer: N. Clews Tele: 024 7683 1220)


Further to Minute 18 above, the Cabinet Member considered a report of the

Executive Director of Place which detailed confidential financial matters in relation to the disposal of the former Foleshill Leisure Centre site at Livingstone Road to be developed for a Primary Care Centre and supported social care accommodation.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Employment approves the disposal of the former Foleshill Leisure Centre site in accordance with the terms detailed in the report submitted.



Any Other Items of Urgent Private Business.


There were no other items of urgent private business.