Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 9th December, 2014 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Council House. View directions

Contact: Carolyn Sinclair/Suzanne Bennett  024 7683 3166/3072


No. Item


Minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2014 pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2014 were signed as a true record.


Coventry Good Citizen Award

To be presented by the Lord Mayor and Judge Griffith-Jones, Honorary Recorder

Additional documents:


On behalf of the Council, the Lord Mayor presented Mrs Mirabelle ‘Queenie’ Smith with the Coventry Good Citizen Award.  Her citation read:


Mirabelle ‘Queenie’ Smith has been co-ordinator of the Neighbourhood Watch in North West Coventry for 31 years.  She is hardworking and dedicated to the people of her community; she has been a representative on the Action Against Crime initiative; founder member and sometime Chair of Coventry Association of Watch Schemes, serving also at county and West Midlands levels.

Queenie was the founder of Brownshill Green Allotment Association and is a major ‘hands on’ contributor in keeping the allotments alive.

Together with these activities, Queenie has found time to serve as a member of the Council backed Safer Neighbourhood Group meetings and was co-founder of the Coventry Clothes Bank.

Queenie is a well-known and respected member of the community she has made an outstanding contribution towards crime prevention, charity work and caring for the community. She is a vital driving force at ground level always practical and showing selfless determination

It is right and fitting that she should be presented with the Coventry Good Citizen Award.


Death of Former Councillor and Honorary Alderman, Trevor Webb OBE

Additional documents:


The Lord Mayor referred to the recent death of Trevor Webb OBE, former City Councillor and current Honorary Alderman of the City.


Trevor had been a Lower Stoke Ward Councillor between 1967 to 1971 and a Bablake Ward Councillor between 1973 until his retirement in 1990. 


He served on a number of committees, including Chairman of Finance Committee, was a governor of many schools and colleges including Bablake and King Henry VIII for 32 years and was Chairman of Coventry School Foundation for 16 years. Upon his retirement as chairman of the governors, King Henry VIII acknowledged his part in the school’s success by naming their new building the Trevor Webb Sixth Form Centre.

He became an Honorary Alderman in September 2012.


Members of the City Council paid tribute to Mr Webb and expressed their condolences to his family.



Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the following petitions be referred to the appropriate City Council bodies:


(1)  Request to outlaw parking of motor vehicles on pavement in the City – 34 signatures – presented by Councillor Skinner.


(2)  Objection to Planning Application FUL/2014/3541 (Betting Shop in King William Street) – 131 signatures – presented by Councillor Akhtar.


(3)  Request to review parking arrangements at Baginton Road shopping parade – 268 signatures – presented by Councillor Taylor.


(4)  Request to resurface Parkside in St Michaels Ward – 32 signatures – presented by Councillor O’Boyle.


(5)  Recycling bins on Glentworth Avenue – 59 signatures – presented by Councillors Birdi and Clifford.


(6)  Request to prevent parking on grass verges on Princethorpe Way – 18 signatures – presented by Councillor Lakha.


(7)  Request that Council recognise inadequate infrastructure within Woodlands Ward to support increased residential development – 160 signatures – presented by Councillor Hetherton.


Declarations of Interest

Additional documents:


Councillors Mrs Lucas and Taylor declared “Other Interests” in the matter referred to Minute 106 (The Coventry Award of Merit).


They withdrew from the meeting during consideration of this matter.


Re-order of the Agenda

Additional documents:


In accordance with the paragraph 10.1(c) of the Constitution, a motion without notice was moved by Councillor Townshend, seconded by Councillor Gannon and agreed to re-order the business on the agenda so that Item 11 (Statements) was taken before Item 10 (Question Time).


The Coventry Award of Merit pdf icon PDF 38 KB

From the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Policing and Equalities, held on 14th November 2014.

Additional documents:


Further to Minute 54 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member (Policing and Equalities), the City Council considered a report of the Executive Director of Resources which provided advice from the meeting of the Cabinet Member (Policing and Equalities) Coventry Award of Merit Advisory Panel held on 17October 2014 regarding proposed recipients of the Coventry Award of Merit.


In moving the nominations, Councillor Townshend reported that the cost of the Awards would be met from the Lord Mayor’s Hospitality Budget .

RESOLVED that the City Council approves the recommendations of the Cabinet Member (Policing and Equalities) and grants the Coventry Award of Merit to the recipients below as recommended by the Cabinet Member (Policing and Equalities): 


Mr David L Burbidge OBE DL

For outstanding service to the economic and cultural life of the City, including his contribution to the development of Coventry Building Society, The Belgrade Theatre, Coventry Cathedral Development Trust and, more recently, the Royal Shakespeare Company and to the Lord Lieutenancy of the West Midlands. 


Councillor Ann Lucas OBE

For her outstanding contribution to the city of Coventry for 20 years as an Elected Member, serving as its first female Leader of the City Council.  Her work on domestic violence issues received national recognition when she was awarded an OBE in HM The Queen New Year’s Honours List 2014 and her role at the Local Government Association as Chair of the Safer Neighbourhoods Group and National Domestic Violence Champion.


Mrs Betty McGlinchey

For her outstanding personal devotion to the children of the City of Coventry, acting as a foster carer for nearly 40 years fostering more than 1,200 children with love, care and compassion.  By personal example of service to others, she has demonstrated the highest ideals of citizenship.  Her work was recognised nationally by the Pride of Britain Awards 2014 as a local hero. 


Mr Ratan N Tata GBE and Jaguar Land Rover

To recognise the investment of Tata Steel into Jaguar Land Rover to protect the status of car manufacturing in the region, the Jaguar Land Rover brand and particularly employment of its employees and many subsidy suppliers.  The promotion of Coventry, through Jaguar Land Rover and its birthplace, continues to be recognised globally and his contribution to the Warwick Manufacturing Group and the University of Warwick.


Councillor Ken Taylor OBE

For outstanding contribution to the city of Coventry for nearly 30 years on the City Council, serving as Lord Mayor in 2002 and former Leader of the City Council for 6 years.  He received national recognition for his services to local government, including the Local Government Association, when he was honoured with an OBE in 2010.  He was a board member of Advantage West Midlands and former Chair of the Coventry Partnership.


The Most Reverend Justin Welby

For outstanding contribution to national life and international affairs through his personal devotion to the Church of England which continues to bring credit to the City of Coventry.  As former Sub-Dean and Canon for Reconciliation Ministry at  ...  view the full minutes text for item 106.


Community Governance Review - Proposals for Finham Area pdf icon PDF 199 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Resources

Additional documents:


Further to Minute 29/14 of the City Council, Councillors considered a report of the Executive Director of Resources which provided feedback from a Governance Review for the Finham area of the city.


At the Council Meeting on 24 June, 2014 the Council agreed to carry out a Community Governance Review for the Finham area of the city, following receipt of a petition signed by 711 people requesting the creation of a parish council. The process for carrying out a Review was set out in the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007. The views of electors and others in the area had been sought and the purpose of the report was to provide feedback from this exercise and for the Council to make recommendations on community governance arrangements for the Finham area.


The terms of reference agreed in the report considered by Council in June 2014 set out a process which included two stages of consultation. Councillor Townshend clarified the process for the review. If the Council decides to recommend that a parish for the Finham area is not created, then reasons would be provided and that would end the process. Alternatively if the decision was to recommend a parish for the Finham area the draft proposals would be consulted on. As a result, Councillor Townshend proposed revisions to the terms of reference of the Review, which were circulated at the meeting, to make this clear. These revised terms of reference would then be published and a report brought back to Council in January 2015 for further consideration.


Therefore, in accordance with paragraph 14.5 of the Constitution, in moving the Recommendations, Councillor Townshend moved that Recommendations 1 to 3 detailed in the report be withdrawn from consideration and replaced with the following Recommendations:


That Council:

1.  agree amendments to the terms of reference (as now circulated) for the Community Governance Review.


2.  agree that a report be considered at the January meeting of Council on whether or not a new Parish for the Finham area of the city is recommended.


In order to facilitate this, it was moved by Councillor Townshend, seconded by Councillor Gannon and agreed that, in accordance with paragraph 23.1 of the Constitution, paragraph 17.1 of the Constitution relating to the Six Month Rule be suspended for consideration of this item.


RESOLVED that the City Council:


1.  Agree amendments to the terms of reference (as circulated) for the Community Governance Review.


2.  Agree that a report be considered at the January 2015 meeting of Council on whether or not a new Parish for the Finham area of the city is recommended.


Polling District and Polling Place Review pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Resources

Additional documents:


The City Council considered a report of the Chief Executive which detailed amendments to the polling district and polling place review scheme which had been approved by Council on 14 January 2014.  The amendments were required due to comments received at the Elections in 2014 and some of the polling place locations becoming unavailable. The Electoral Arrangements Panel and Ward members had been consulted.  As required by legislation, the consultation document had been published on the Council’s website.


In moving the recommendations, Councillor Townshend referred to a small typographical error in Appendix 1, page 47 of the report:  In the ‘recommendations’ column for Bablake Ward, the polling district referred to should be “Al” instead of “Ak”. This had correctly been shown in the plan on page 49.

RESOLVED that the City Council:


1)  Approves the revised polling district and polling place scheme, as detailed in the report.

2)  Agrees that if any further polling places become unavailable prior to the election that the Chief Executive, following consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader and the appropriate Ward members agree temporary amendments to the scheme for the 2015 elections.



Additional documents:


(a)  Statement by the Leader


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Lucas, made a statement in respect of “Combined Authorities”.


Councillor Blundell responded to the statement.


(b)  Statement by the Cabinet Member (Children and Young People)


The Cabinet Member (Children and Young People), Councillor Ruane, made a statement in respect of the “Children’s Services Improvement Plan”.


Councillor Lepoidevin responded to the statement.


Question Time

(1)  Written Question – There are no written questions


(2)  Oral Questions to Chairs of Scrutiny Boards/Chair of Scrutiny

Co-ordination Committee


(3)  Oral Questions to Chairs of other meetings


(4)  Oral Questions to Representatives on Outside Bodies


(5)  Oral Questions to Cabinet Members and Deputy Cabinet Members on any matter


Additional documents:


The following Members answered oral questions put to them by other Members as set out below, together with supplementary questions on the same matters:



Question Asked By

Question Put To

Subject Matter


Councillor Crookes

Councillor McNicholas

Quantify the benefit of Centro’s services to the City


Councillor Sawdon

Councillor Townshend

Town and Parish Councils.


Councillor Blundell

Councillor Mrs Lucas

Combined authorities


Councillor Hetherton

Councillor Kershaw

Funding for SEN transport


Councillor Crookes

Councillor Mrs Lucas

Response outstanding from previous Council meeting.


Councillor Skinner

Councillor Maton

Site leased to Cov Tech Rugby Club


Councillor Skinner

Councillor Lancaster/McNicholas

Parking problems in the vicinity of Tile Hill rail station


Councillor Sawdon

Councillor Maton

Display of posters in shop windows of empty shops.


Councillor Blundell

Councillor Townshend

Invitation to Wainbody Ward Forum



Debate - Peace and Reconciliation Umbrella Organisation

To be moved by Councillor Sawdon and seconded by Councillor Abbott:


‘This Council, recognising the excellent work being done in the field of peace and reconciliation by a number of groups throughout the city, believes that an umbrella organisation would provide a sharper focus for these groups and that the City Council should take the lead in setting it up.’


Additional documents:


Councillor Sawdon moved the following motion, which was seconded by Councillor Hetherton, in Councillor Abbott’s absence.


‘This Council, recognising the excellent work being done in the field of peace and reconciliation by a number of groups throughout the city, believes that an umbrella organisation would provide a sharper focus for these groups and that the City Council should take the lead in setting it up.’


RESOLVED that the Motion as set out above be unanimously adopted.