Agenda item

The Coventry Award of Merit

From the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Policing and Equalities, held on 14th November 2014.


Further to Minute 54 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member (Policing and Equalities), the City Council considered a report of the Executive Director of Resources which provided advice from the meeting of the Cabinet Member (Policing and Equalities) Coventry Award of Merit Advisory Panel held on 17October 2014 regarding proposed recipients of the Coventry Award of Merit.


In moving the nominations, Councillor Townshend reported that the cost of the Awards would be met from the Lord Mayor’s Hospitality Budget .

RESOLVED that the City Council approves the recommendations of the Cabinet Member (Policing and Equalities) and grants the Coventry Award of Merit to the recipients below as recommended by the Cabinet Member (Policing and Equalities): 


Mr David L Burbidge OBE DL

For outstanding service to the economic and cultural life of the City, including his contribution to the development of Coventry Building Society, The Belgrade Theatre, Coventry Cathedral Development Trust and, more recently, the Royal Shakespeare Company and to the Lord Lieutenancy of the West Midlands. 


Councillor Ann Lucas OBE

For her outstanding contribution to the city of Coventry for 20 years as an Elected Member, serving as its first female Leader of the City Council.  Her work on domestic violence issues received national recognition when she was awarded an OBE in HM The Queen New Year’s Honours List 2014 and her role at the Local Government Association as Chair of the Safer Neighbourhoods Group and National Domestic Violence Champion.


Mrs Betty McGlinchey

For her outstanding personal devotion to the children of the City of Coventry, acting as a foster carer for nearly 40 years fostering more than 1,200 children with love, care and compassion.  By personal example of service to others, she has demonstrated the highest ideals of citizenship.  Her work was recognised nationally by the Pride of Britain Awards 2014 as a local hero. 


Mr Ratan N Tata GBE and Jaguar Land Rover

To recognise the investment of Tata Steel into Jaguar Land Rover to protect the status of car manufacturing in the region, the Jaguar Land Rover brand and particularly employment of its employees and many subsidy suppliers.  The promotion of Coventry, through Jaguar Land Rover and its birthplace, continues to be recognised globally and his contribution to the Warwick Manufacturing Group and the University of Warwick.


Councillor Ken Taylor OBE

For outstanding contribution to the city of Coventry for nearly 30 years on the City Council, serving as Lord Mayor in 2002 and former Leader of the City Council for 6 years.  He received national recognition for his services to local government, including the Local Government Association, when he was honoured with an OBE in 2010.  He was a board member of Advantage West Midlands and former Chair of the Coventry Partnership.


The Most Reverend Justin Welby

For outstanding contribution to national life and international affairs through his personal devotion to the Church of England which continues to bring credit to the City of Coventry.  As former Sub-Dean and Canon for Reconciliation Ministry at Coventry Cathedral and now Archbishop of Canterbury the city’s message of peace and reconciliation continues to be recognised worldwide.


(Note: Councillors Mrs Lucas and Taylor withdrew from the meeting during consideration of this item)

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