ePetition details

Land off Pickard’s Way: scale, layout and other issues

We the undersigned petition the Council to consider our concerns over the scale and layout of the development being proposed at Land off Pickard’s Way (PL/2024/0002056/RESM). In particular, the proposals for Unit 1 which we believe are over-development, not in line with the outline approval and unsustainable at this location. We ask that Coventry City Council puts appropriate measures in place to protect local communities from adverse impacts.

According to the noise assessment, the number of loading docks suggest that there is capacity for HGV servicing trips during peak hours to be higher than the predicted numbers of 34 movements in the daytime and 27 during the night-time. It states, ‘it has been assumed that each dock or level access door will load or unload one HGV per hour during the daytime and night-time. This results in 67 HGV movements during the one hour daytime assessment period and 17 HGV movements during the 15-minute night-time assessment period.’ This appears to be almost double the predicted number of HGV movements within the peak hours. Therefore, we believe the details of the reserved matters application (PL/2024/0002056/RESM) may not be in line with the outline approval.

What impacts would operating at a higher capacity have on M6 Junction 3 and the local road network? Could they become severe? Could this affect Local Plans? Would it have an effect on travel to work times with people having to ‘peak spread’? What impact might this have on existing local businesses and West Midlands Ambulance Services’ Coventry Hub at Ibstock Road? If there are queues along Pickard’s Way preventing access to the site, where will HGVs stack? What measures will be put into place to prevent bridge strike (low railway bridge on Woodshire’s Road) impacting the Leamington Spa – Nuneaton Line? How will HGVs be discouraged from using the local road network such as Bedworth Road, Longford Road, Windmill Road and Foleshill Road?

Has an independent assessment of economic viability been made for the proposal? If there is one, does it take the higher capacity (with associated increase in traffic levels), diversion of the water main, extensive earthworks, fill, retaining wall and, if there are issues with future traffic levels, ability to let units into account?

We request for the following to be considered:

1. Proposals for the site to be scaled down so that its capacity matches the predicted number of HGV movements;
2. The applicant be required to make an outline/full planning application so that these matters can be re-visited through a new transport assessment using the latest models;
3. That the local highways authorities (Coventry City Council and Warwickshire County Council) and National Highways are re-consulted on the matter of higher capacity;
4. Protections put in place to prevent the site from operating at a higher capacity than previously predicted;
5. Applicant to be required to provide a HGV route and stacking plan which covers scenarios such as the closure of the A444 after CBS Arena major events, tailbacks on the M6 preventing use of M6 J3 and reducing the risk of bridge strike and
6. Applicant be required to provide an economic viability assessment.

Within Woodshire’s Green, there are ongoing issues with the foul sewers. There are proposals to make a new connection through to the foul sewer based at Silverstone Drive. What guarantees are in place to ensure that the new connection is delivered and working before the distribution units have permission to operate and the housing at ‘Land Off Old Farm Lane’ (which is proposed to connect into this) occupied? We believe that infrastructure should always come first. Local people are worried that without protective measures, such as conditions/phasing of development, that, if issues arise later on, it could lead to requests for a connection to existing foul sewers within Woodshire’s Green being made.

We are also concerned about the impacts of noise and vibration particularly from the extensive earthworks (due to the site’s gradient) and piling that may be required during construction. Will a noise and vibration assessment be supplied for this? What protections will be put into place for residents? Will acoustic fencing be used on the east side of the site during construction? Will the applicant also provide a noise assessment for external fixed plant units such as air-conditioning and extract fans?

Residents also care about their local wildlife. This is why we believe that the applicant should be required to provide more information on how the proposed layout of loading bays, parking areas, HGV movements and lighting (24-hour site) will impact the River Sowe and Bassford Bridge Meadows Local Wildlife Site (Sowe Meadows) and what measures will be put into place to mitigate it.

The applicant’s proposals do not follow Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council’s policy for the strategic site. Originally, there were two housing parcels, north-eastern and south-eastern. In the current proposal, one of these has been removed to be replaced by a unit. This unit is incongruous within the street scene of Wilson’s Lane as this is a residential area. In addition, the removal of an area dedicated to housing has also taken away the opportunity of providing a MUGA and playing field for older children to play ball games on the west side of Longford. Neither local authority are meeting their standards for access regarding community park and sports facilities in this location. Furthermore, busy roads, which will become even busier with HGV traffic if these proposals go ahead, are an additional barrier to access elsewhere, in Exhall, the east side of Longford and Hawkesbury. We believe that the local authorities and the applicant should work together to ensure that our children’s well-being, health and safety are being effectively taken into account.

This ePetition runs from 02/11/2024 to 28/12/2024.

60 people have signed this ePetition.