ePetition details

Save the Adult Education Service Crèches and Course Provision

We the undersigned petition the Council to ensure the preservation of all current course provisions in Adult Education and for all the crèche facilities and staff, whose services are currently under threat, to continue to be able to give vital support to all learners’ children. More than a decade of inadequate funding has led to this dire state of affairs.

All existing crèche provisions at seven different teaching venues in the Coventry Adult
Education Service are threatened with closure by July 2024. Over 20 dedicated and experienced crèche
staff will be losing their jobs.  We believe that, without crèche support, learners,
many of whom are learning English as a second language, will be prevented from
attending classes, which will greatly impact on those able to enrol for September
2024 and onwards and threaten the viability of certain courses.
Other experienced, dedicated staff across all curriculum areas are also threatened
with job losses. It is proposed by the Council that the Service can run efficiently with
only about half of its current senior lecturers. These experienced staff have a wealth of
knowledge, built up over many years, that is used to effectively run the service in its
current capacity. The remaining staff have deep concerns about the impact on their
workload and on the quality of future learning provision.
This flies in the face of every one of the stated 6 values that Coventry City Council
commit to on their website:

Open and fair:
We are fair, open, and transparent

Nurture and develop:
We help and encourage everyone to be
their best and do their best

Engage and empower:
We talk and listen to others, working
together as one.

Create and innovate:
We embrace new ways of working to
continuously improve

Own and be accountable:
We work together to deliver the best
services for our residents

Value and respect:
We put diversity and inclusion at the
heart of all we do

Sign now to save Adult Education Provision for Coventry residents!

This ePetition ran from 16/05/2024 to 30/06/2024 and has now finished.

112 people signed this ePetition.