ePetition details

Resurfacing whole of Leaf Lane Footpath

We the undersigned petition the Council to resurface the whole length of the footpath along Leaf Lane.

The slabs were laid in the late 1950s, early 60s. There are many uneven slabs along the whole length of Leaf Lane and patching up doesn't help anymore. Puddling and flooding happens in many places especially around Buckfast Close and along Okehampton Road and beyond. Weed growth between slabs and in cracks, is slippery when wet. Where already tarmacked at each end, tree roots on the surface create trip hazards. There are many elderly people living in the bungalows who have mobility issues, and a smooth surface will make it possible for them to actually use the footpath.

This ePetition ran from 21/01/2024 to 24/03/2024 and has now finished.

45 people signed this ePetition.