ePetition details

Request a Pause In Earlsdon Liveable Neighbourhood Programme

We the undersigned petition the Council to request a pause in the proposed programme for measures relating to the Earlsdon 'Liveable Neighbourhood' programme, as we have been informed at meetings that this project is not time limited. There are 18 schemes identified within this complex proposal, not all of which are understood by the residents, and we feel that more time is required to ensure that the surrounding areas are aware of the ramifications of this scheme, are properly consulted, and can state their views.

The majority of the scheme proposed will do little to improve our "liveability", and in some cases will make the environment and air quality far worse.
We are unhappy with the lack of a public meeting, and the lack of overall engagement with Earlsdon residents, traders, and other
It is felt that this scheme is being rushed through without an opportunity for the community to fully consider the outcomes.
Those consulted so far are predominantly supportive of measures to reduce speed in the area, and improve road crossings. More transparency is required about the actual intention of the scheme.

This ePetition ran from 12/10/2023 to 10/01/2024 and has now finished.

281 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

Petition closed on 10th January 2024 as matter dealt with at Cabinet Member for City Services on 8th January 2024.