ePetition details

New Houses at rear of 152 to 174 Dillotford Ave

We the undersigned petition the Council to refuse the planning application PL/2023/0000197 to replace the garage block at the rear of 152 to 174 Dillotford Avenue with new housing being 1 x 4 bedroom and 1 x 5 bedroom.

Residents have the following material planning concerns:-
a) Increase in traffic and demand for parking
b) Safety concerns due to increased vehicle movements
c) Increase in anti-social behaviour, gatherings and litter
d) Overlooking and loss of privacy
e) Loss of light
f) Houses are unattractive and have a looming presence
g) Potential harm to trees
h) Negative effect on residents from construction, potential subsidence and flooding.

This ePetition ran from 24/05/2023 to 26/07/2023 and has now finished.

39 people signed this ePetition.