ePetition details

Reject the proposal to convert 19 The Earls Croft Coventry CV3 5ES from a residential dwelling (Class C3) to a children’s care home (Class C2). Planning Reference: FUL/2022/3065

We the undersigned petition the Council to reject the application (FUL/2022/3065) due to the following grave concerns:

1. Parking: The address is in a built up small residential cul-de-sac with already reduced parking. There is NO on street parking available given the access always required for emergency services. The driveway of the property contains a shared space with the neighbouring property which allows parking for only one car. There is nowhere to park for residents, visitors, and employees to park safely and securely. Access for waste, delivery and emergency services would also be compromised.

2. Increased traffic: Conversion would lead to increased traffic due to visitors, care workers, emergency services. This will obstruct the day to day lives of the residents both within the croft and nearby streets such as Mary Herbert Street, which is anyway very crowded due to Manor Park Primary School in its vicinity.

3. Vehicular access: The croft has a single entry and exit, flanked by built up homes with a small turning circle. If someone parks inconsiderately near the entrance/exit of croft, it will lead BLOCK access to its residents and emergency services. Moreover, increased congestion would increase risk to all residents, especially vulnerable residents with limited mobility.

4. Potential of an increase in anti-social behaviour, crime, and vandalism in the area.

5. Safety concerns for all residents and impact on young children living in the croft.

6. Noise, disturbance, overlooking and lack of privacy to close neighbours due to increase in number of young residents as opposed to a family

We would also like to point out that the properties in the area are subject to a restrictive covenant binding on the titles of each property to the effect that no house should be used other than as a private dwelling house. The proposed use of the property would be in clear breach of that covenant, potentially exposing the owner to multiple claims of breaches of that restrictive covenant. More importantly, the covenant is indicative of the original (and indeed continued) intended use of the properties in the area which since the 1930s (when the original covenant was imposed) has been strictly adhered to. The proposed change of use would be totally out of kilter with what the original, and thus far much adhered to, intention.

Considering the above concerns, we request the council to reject the above application and ensure no such applications are entertained in future given the concerns above.

This ePetition ran from 15/03/2023 to 31/05/2023 and has now finished.

151 people signed this ePetition.