ePetition details

Reject plan (OUT/2022/2259) for Browns Lane development

We the undersigned petition the Council to reject the plan (OUT/2022/2259) for residential development of up to 350 dwellings on land at Browns Lane in Coventry

We the undersigned oppose the Outline application for residential development of 350 houses on Browns Lane. This development will have devastating consequences for the area and residents. Inadequate infrastructure and traffic will intensify pollution of the environment and poorer air quality. Increased traffic in the area already causes stress on our local road network. The potential for flooding due to inadequate drainage. New development Overlooking existing properties. Permanent Loss of Green Space for Local Residents to enjoy. The capacity of infrastructure (schools/GP surgeries) unable to cope with the level of development. Additionally, there are existing concerns about speeding traffic on Browns Lane. Residents already experience difficulties to safely get in and out to the main road. The increased traffic volumes on local roads and potentially increased congestion at junctions remains high. Therefore we are asking City Council to adopt BROWNSFEILD FIRST policy and save our precious Green Coundon Wedge for our next generation

This ePetition ran from 07/09/2022 to 09/11/2022 and has now finished.

616 people signed this ePetition.