Alternative uses to preserve the legacy of the Black Horse pub could be;
- A mock pub art exhibition in the style of the 2021 Turner
Prize winning Array collective, shown at Coventry's Herbert Art
Gallery. The re-imagined Black Horse pub would address social and
political issues that have impacted Coventry throughout its
magnificent history
- A digital and physical record of the Black Horse pub displayed in
the Local Collections exhibits at the future Coventry 'IKEA
building' museum, including oral, pictoral, sound, and physical
- A restored working pub set during the historically important
Watchmaking era of the city. The restored pub could be situated in
an alternative location such as the Canal Basin, and would function
as a popular leisure attraction serving real local ale and beers as
well as traditional pub food including fish and chips!
This ePetition ran from 24/02/2022 to 28/04/2022 and has now finished.
54 people signed this ePetition.