ePetition details

Objection to Quinton Park, Cheylesmore Planning Application

We the undersigned petition the Council to Reject or revise the application by: 1) Limiting the height of the proposed building to two storeys. 2) Preserving the green area of land currently used for recreation. 3) Not permitting direct vehicle access onto Cecily Road, which already has traffic flow and parking issues during working hours.

1) The proposed application is a radical change to the current use of the land when compared to the previous building which stood on part of the land included in the planning application.

2) The planning application would be an overdevelopment of the site. Two storeys rather than the proposed three would be more acceptable in terms of privacy for nearby residents and aesthetic appearance for the neighbourhood.

3) The proposed plan includes a car park which would result in the loss of an irreplaceable green area of land used for recreation.

4) Access to the proposed car park would exacerbate the already high amount of traffic in the immediate vicinity and number of parked cars on both sides of Cecily Road left by shoppers and shop workers.

5) The height of the proposed building, loss of green space and resulting increased traffic would have a negative impact on the environment in terms of increased noise and air pollution, and a loss of light.

This ePetition ran from 07/11/2020 to 09/12/2020 and has now finished.

179 people signed this ePetition.