ePetition details

Watery Lane Closure to motor vehicles

We the undersigned petition the Council to close the section of Watery Lane between Elkin Wood and the first house 'Hycott' with lockable bollards. This is to address safety concerns on the very narrow section of lane with poor visibility for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders. The city council officers who were initially in agreement, are now recommending not to proceed with the closure following objections from just 6 people. Coventry City Council rejected the change.org petition previously presented. Please therefore, can you resign this online version. There have been numerous reports of near misses and even some accidents involving vehicles encountering other road users, and we believe that it is no longer safe to have motorised and non motorised road users sharing this section. It is actually quicker to drive around via Wall Hill Road, Bridle Brook Lane and Oak Lane than to travel through the narrow section. If meeting a vehicle travelling the other way it is necessary to reverse a considerable distance

Improve road safety for Allesley Parishioners and other users including pedestrians, horse riders, cyclists, vehicles

This ePetition runs from 26/01/2025 to 23/03/2025.

22 people have signed this ePetition.