In 2010, the garage had their original planning permission for
an extension denied, partly due to "loss of parking during business
hours would be detrimental to residential amenity" however this is
not just during business hours, this is all hours as cars are left
on the street 7 days and nights a week.
There is also a school on this road, and the sheer number of
vehicles means the view of the road is even more obstructed, and it
is more dangerous to cross.
Parents also park vertically between horizontally (parallel) parked
cars on occasion, blocking access to footpath.
This road is on a dangerous junction on one end, and has a tighter
than you'd expect bend on it half way. If we can reduce the amount
of cars parked to only residents this would increase visibility and
safety. This road also suffers from speeding cars often going
50mph+ and so by being less congested and the potential of average
speed cameras in future, we could make this road much safer when
considering there is a primary school on it.
This ePetition ran from 17/06/2024 to 19/08/2024 and has now finished.
4 people signed this ePetition.