ePetition details

Petition against the Clifford Bridge Road Cycle Lane Development

We the undersigned petition the Council to move this development to a safer route. All three planning proposals that were presented for the Clifford Bridge cycle lane section have been found unsafe in the eyes of the public. The design approach does not adhere to the correct standards in order to provide safety for all of the road users (disabled users, children walking to school, cyclists and residents). This development will create hazards and will highly impact the safety of all the people using Clifford Bridge Road. This route is used to divert traffic from A46 which often creates increased traffic and blockage in the area. This street will be severely challenged and there will be multiple safety concerns around parking spaces, navigation, visibility at junctions and access for intervention vehicles. The research data that sits at the base of this cycle lane proposal is based on a report that was conducted during the pandemic when everyone walked or cycled due to restrictions.

There was no user analysis and road safety audit conducted prior to developing a cycle lane proposal on such a congested road, that has its challenges as it is. Moving forward, we demand this development to be moved and redesigned in another area in order to keep all of the users safe and to prioritise the needs and wellbeing of residents.

Ultimately, in summary, this is a matter of safety, a matter of local community residents knowing their road and the council not listening to their voices. If the council remains unmoving, unmoved by our foresight, then the council should formally and publicly accept responsibility for every injury, accident and maybe even death their plans and near-sightedness shall inevitably cause. To make it clear we do not object to cycleways, but they have to be safe for all.

This ePetition ran from 08/02/2024 to 19/07/2024 and has now finished.

90 people signed this ePetition.