Register of interests

Councillor Christine Elizabeth Thomas

I, Councillor Christine Elizabeth Thomas a Member of Coventry City Council hereby declare the following pecuniary interests

1. Guidance Notes
Confirmation that you have read and understood the Guidance Notes - please indicate yes or no
2. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Any Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain
Councillor, Coventry City Council
3. Sponsorship
Name of Person or Body making Payments
4. Contracts
5. Land
Land: Any beneficial interest in land which is within the area of the City Council
Details declared but withheld
6. Licenses
Any Licence to occupy land in the area of the City Council for a month or longer
7. Corporate Tenancies
Corporate Tenancies
8. Securities
9. Other Registrable Interests: Membership of bodies appointed to or nominated by the council
Other Registrable Interests: Membership of bodies appointed to or nominated by the council
Council Appointee substitute member to Coventry Airport Consultative Committee
Council Appointee to Standing Advisory Committee on Religious Education (SACRE)
Council Appointee to Soothern and Craner Educational Foundation
10. Other Registrable Interests: Membership of certain other bodies
Other Registrable Interests: Membership of certain other bodies
Unite The Union
The Co-operative Party
The Labour Party
Willenhall Community Forum
Coventry Motorcycle Action Group
11. Declaration
Confirmation that you have read and understood the Declaration - please indicate yes or no