
Local Validation List - Consultation

Purpose of the consultation

What is the local validation list?


The local validation list sets out the information that Coventry City Council will require to be able to register, assess and determine planning applications. The amount of information required will vary depending on the type, scale and location of the proposed development including any site specific constraints. Not all the local validation requirements will apply to every planning application. The City Council will only ask for what is required to determine the planning application.


For ease of reference to applicants we have included the national validation requirements within the list.  The national requirements are set by government and are the same across all Local Planning Authorities in England.  To be clear we are not consulting on the national requirements.


The consultation period


Coventry City Council is consulting on a draft revised Local Validation List.  Please take a look at the Local Validation List before responding to this consultation:



The consultation period is from 22 January – 19 March 2019.  We would be pleased to receive any comments that you may have on the proposed changes to the list.  We will take account of the representations received and make any necessary changes to the document.  The decision to publish the list will be made by the Head of Planning and Regulation in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee.


Why are we consulting?


Adoption of the Coventry Local Plan 2016 means that there are new policies which will result in changes needed to the local validation requirements list.  National Planning Policy Guidance also requires that local validation requirements lists are reviewed every two years to ensure that it is reasonable and up-to-date.  We are carrying out this consultation because significant time has passed since the previous consultation and because we have made a number of changes to the document.


How to respond

Consultation responses should be submitted by online survey:


Responses should be sent via the online survey, particularly from organisations with access to online facilities such as local authorities, representative bodies and businesses.

Using the online survey greatly assists our analysis of the responses, enabling more efficient and effective consideration of the issues raised in the responses.

Should you be unable to respond online you can email your responses to with a title LOCAL VALIDATION CHECKLIST CONSULTATION