
Consultation on new Empty Homes Policy

Purpose of the consultation

Consultation on the Council’s new Empty Homes Policy


What this is about

Coventry City Council has a duty to assess and plan for housing need and takes the view that every long term empty home is a wasted opportunity for a Coventry family. With housing and land in short supply in the city, it is necessary to ensure that empty homes do not remain empty unnecessarily, fall into disrepair and become blights on our neighbourhoods. Often they can become magnets for fly tipping, antisocial behaviour, vandalism and arson.

The council is consulting local people about its proposed new Empty Homes Policy. This new policy sets into context how we plan to reduce the number of empty homes in Coventry to a practical minimum. We will endeavour to achieve this aim by:


  • Working with and offering advice to the owners of empty homes
  • Bringing the owners of empty homes together with housing professionals and investors who may be able to help them
  • Dealing robustly with situations where an empty home, is blighting a neighbourhood and is the root cause of environmental crime and anti-social behaviour.


Have your say

There is a 12 week consultation period on this policy, which starts on Monday, 10th February 2014 and finishes on Sunday, 4th May 2014 and we would welcome your views. The proposed policy is available to download under ‘supporting documents’ below:


Once you have read the policy, please complete the short survey


If you require a paper copy of the policy/ survey, please telephone 024 7683 1809.


If you would like to speak to someone about this consultation please contact:


Craig Hickin

Head of Environmental Services

Tel: 024 7683 2585





Supporting documents

Contact details

Should you wish to speak to someone regarding this consultation, please use the below contact details:

People Directorate