Agenda item

Proposed Consultation for the Community Safety Partnership Plan 2024-2027

Report of the Director of Law and Governance


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Law and Governance, that had also been considered at the meeting of Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee on 26th June 2024, on proposals to create a Community Safety Plan.


Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) were the statutory body that brought together local partners to solve shared issues around Crime and Disorder, Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB), Drug and Alcohol misuse and Reoffending. The CSP in Coventry met as the Police and Crime Board (PCB) and was chaired by the Local Authority.


CSPs were required to develop an overarching Community Safety Partnership Plan under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. The plan provided an overview of the work and priority areas that fell under the responsibility of the CSP.


The Plan was intended to focus upon those issues of most concern to residents that caused the most harm to communities and required a coordinated approach to deliver lasting change.


The Community Safety Plan would be informed by:

  the views of residents, including those who had been affected by crime and/or accessing services;

  analysis of the problem, drawing on data and information from a breadth of partners;

  evidence of “what works” in tackling crime and disorder; and

  the views of professionals and stakeholders working locally.


To help inform the Plan a public consultation would be undertaken and the information together with data from West Midlands Police would be reviewed in workshops by the sub-groups of the PCB. This would be used to develop a Community Safety Partnership Plan which identified how these priorities would be delivered.


When completed the draft Plan would be brought back to Cabinet for approval, anticipated to be submitted to 7th January 2025 meeting.


A Briefing Note was attached to the report that detailed recommendations made by Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee. Having considered the requirements of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and the need to create a Community Safety Partnership Plan, Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee:


1)  Agreed to receive a future report setting out the responses received, and the proposed Community Safety Partnership Plan 2024-2027.

2)  Identified the following additional recommendations for Cabinet:

a)  That the Cabinet request officers to use all of the Council’s partners’ communication channels, including faith groups and housing providers, to ensure as wide consultation as possible.

b)  That additional bullet points be added to Question 5 of the questionnaire (relating to main priorities for the Community Safety Partnership to focus on) identifying.

i) environmental ASB – e.g. fly-tipping and dog fouling, and

ii) off-road e-bikes


The Cabinet requested that a letter be sent to the Community Safety Partnership requesting that the speed of traffic be considered as part of the Community Safety Plan.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet, having considered the requirements of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and the need to create a Community Safety Partnership Plan:


1)  Approves the recommendations from the Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee.


2)  Authorises a citywide 12-week consultation beginning 10th July to 2nd October 2024.


3)  Requests a future report setting out the responses received, and the proposed Community Safety Partnership Plan 2024-2027.

Supporting documents: