Agenda item

Local Government Association (LGA) Corporate Peer Challenge 2024 - Outcome of Peer Challenge

Report of the Chief Executive


The Committee considered a report of the Chief Executive which outlined the outcome of the Local Government Association (LGA) Corporate Peer Challenge held in Coventry in January, 2024. The Committee noted that the report would also be considered by Cabinet at their meeting on 11 June, 2024, prior to consideration by Council on 9 July, 2024.


The report indicated that that the Local Government Association (LGA) is the national voice of local government, working with Councils to support, promote, and improve local government. The LGA’s Corporate Peer Challenge offer is effective and well regarded by the sector and provides robust, strategic and credible challenge and support to Councils.


It is expected that all Councils receive a Corporate Peer Challenge at least every five years covering core areas and any specific areas requested by the Council. Coventry City Council’s first Corporate Peer Challenge took place in October 2018. In 2023, it was agreed that Coventry City Council would again host a Corporate Peer Challenge as this was now timely.


The Peer Challenge took place from 15th to 18th January 2024. The visit focused on five core themes (local priorities and outcomes, organisational and place leadership, governance and culture, financial planning and management, and capacity for improvement). These areas are critical to Councils’ performance and improvement.


The Peer Team were also asked to provide feedback on transformation: the organisation’s corporate capacity and plans for service transformation. Transformation was specifically chosen on the basis that it would benefit from some external challenge and feedback on future delivery plans.


The LGA Corporate Peer Challenge feedback report was provided as an appendix to the report (Appendix A). This report provided a detailed response on findings, including a number of observations and suggestions within the main section of the report.


In summary, during the course of the Peer Challenge week, the Peer Team found that:


  Coventry is an ambitious place that is on the up, with examples of innovation and a willingness to embrace change, whilst not forgetting its heritage

  Coventry is a well-run Council, with strong officer and political leadership

  Employees and elected members are passionate and proud about what they do

  The Council should take further steps to improve diversity across the organisation at all levels

  There is recognition that tough times are still ahead, but people are up for the challenge

  There is a need to ensure that the transformation programme is adequately resourced to enable delivery at pace

  The Council should use the established performance framework to drive improvement and bring greater prioritisation and visibility to areas that require improvement

  Partners and residents are eager to step up and become more involved at an earlier and more strategic level

  There is a need to review our external and internal communications and engagement strategy


There are some areas where further work is suggested by the Peer Team. These areas are described in the ‘Key recommendations’ section of the LGA’s feedback report.


Following the Peer Challenge in January, the Council has reflected on the Peer Team’s findings in order to determine its response to the recommendations that have been made. The Council response was provided as an appendix to this report (Appendix B). The Council are embracing the opportunity to reflect on this feedback and are committed to making improvements where it can through organisational ownership.  


The Committee made comments, asked questions and sought assurances on a number of issues including:-


  How internal and external communication will be improved within the Council

  Collaborative work between business owners and the Council to improve street pride

  Reassurance that improvements are made in terms of diversity within recruitment processes

  Details of the Transformation Programme and what it means to residents


Following discussion, the Committee highlighted a number of issues to be added to the Committee’s Work Programme for 2024/25 and noted that street lighting was included in the relevant Scrutiny Board’s Work Programme for 2024/25.



RESOLVED that the Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee:-


1)  Supports the recommendations contained in the report


2)  Requests that the Committee receives a further progress update after the LGA’s feedback report has been received


3)  Requests that the following issues be added to the Committee’s Work Programme for 2024/25:-


  Major Cultural Events (Godiva/Motofest etc)

  Recruitment and Retention

  CCC Transformation Programme

Supporting documents: