Agenda item

To receive a report of the Leader of the Council on the composition of the Cabinet and the appointment of Deputy Cabinet Members and allocation of Executive Functions within the Cabinet


The City Council received a report of the Leader, Councillor G Duggins, together with a Statement, which confirmed the composition of the Cabinet, the appointment of Deputy Cabinet Members and the allocation of executive portfolios/functions within the Cabinet (detailed below):





The Leader

Policy and Leadership


Councillor G Duggins




One Coventry Council Plan


External relations / public relations

Chair of Cabinet / Management Board meetings

Emergency Planning

Regional Matters

West Midlands Combined Authority

Corporate Governance

Information Management and Governance

Risk Management

Political Management


The Deputy Leader

Policing and Equalities


Councillor AS Khan


Deputy Cabinet Member Councillor P Akhtar



Community Safety

Community Cohesion

Public Protection and Licensing

Prosecution and Enforcement

Democratic Services, including Lord Mayor’s

Electoral Services


Legal Services

Training (Members)

Constitutional Matters

Domestic Violence and Sexual Exploitation

Local Policing

Media Strategy

Events and Parks

International Liaison and diplomacy

Peace, reconciliation and twinning

Deputising on Leader Items

Cabinet Member

Strategic Finance and Resources


Councillor R Brown


Strategic Finance

Medium Term Financial Strategy

Budget Setting / Transformation

External Resources

Operational Finance incl. Revenues and Benefits

Service Transformation and value for money


Human Resources

Organisational Development

Key Staff Recruitment and Retention

Customer Services

Health and Safety


Digital Strategy



Cabinet Member

Children and Young People


Councillor P Seaman





Children and Families (Early Help)

Children and Young People’s Social Care

Child Exploitation

Young People

Youth Offending Service


*S19 Children Act 2004 Lead Member

Fostering, Adoption, Special Guardianship Orders and Kinship Care

Corporate Parenting


Cabinet Member

Education and Skills


Councillor K Sandhu





Post 16 Education and Training


Early Years

Special Educational Needs and Disability


Adult Education

Higher and Further Education (incl. Universities)

Skills and Employability


Cabinet Member


Regeneration and Climate Change


Councillor J O’Boyle




Economic Development

City Centre (Regeneration)

International Trade and Inward Investment

Commercial and Operational Property

Growth Company

Urban Regeneration


Tourism and Marketing

Sustainability and climate change

Social Enterprise Strategy


Cabinet Member

City Services



Councillor P Hetherton


Deputy Cabinet Member Councillor G Lloyd




Highways, Drainage and Lighting

Licensing Policy (Hackney Carriage and Private Hire)

Public Realm

Street Services (Ground Maintenance, Refuse (domestic and commercial), Street Cleaning)

Waste Management

Flood Management


Bereavement Services

Traffic Management and Road Safety

Average Speed Cameras

Parking Policy and Operations

Information Technology





Cabinet Member

Adult Services


Councillor L Bigham


Deputy Cabinet Member Councillor S Nazir




Social Care for Adults and Older People

Better Care Fund

Transforming Care


Adult Safeguarding

Adult social care integration with health

Loneliness and Isolation

Digital Exclusion

Armed Forces Champion


Cabinet Member

Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing


Councillor K Caan


Deputy Cabinet Member Councillor G Hayre




Health Strategy and Policy

Integrated Care Systems

Health Inequalities and Marmot

Air Quality

Local Health Economy

Public Health

Sexual Health

Teenage Pregnancies

Mental Health


Fuel Poverty

Sport, Physical Activity and Parks


Cabinet Member

Housing and Communities


Councillor D Welsh


Deputy Cabinet Member Councillor S Agboola










City of Culture 2021 Legacy


Community and Voluntary Sector Relations

Community Centres

Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Welfare Advice Services

Housing and Homelessness

Planning Policy



*Cabinet Member Children and Young People is designated as the Lead Member for Children’s Services as required by Section 19 of the Children’s Act 2004




Supporting documents: