Agenda item

2024 Tourism Strategy and Destination Management Organisation (DMO) Model

Briefing Note of the Director of Regeneration and Economy


The Business, Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Board (3) received a presentation and briefing note of the Director of Regeneration and Economy that provided an update on progress in establishing Destination Coventry as a sustainable Destination Management Organisation (DMO) for the city. It also provided a review and update on activity undertaken by the DMO to promote Coventry as a destination for business and leisure tourism, in support of delivery of the Coventry Tourism Strategy 2019-2023 outcomes. It further provided a review of the recent changes in national and regional tourism infrastructure and requested consideration of the priorities in securing a sustainable DMO and new Tourism Strategy for the City.


The Chair of Destination Coventry and the Chair of Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce attended the meeting for this item.


The presentation and briefing note detailed:

Destination Coventry

·  Background

·  Headline Aims, Outputs and Impact

·  Coventry Scarborough Tourism Economic Activity Monitor Data

Coventry Tourism Strategy

·  Coventry Tourism Strategy 2019-2023

·  Visitor Economy Sector Developments and Coventry Tourism Strategy 2024+


The establishment of Destination Coventry as a proof-of-concept model for a new DMO was anticipated to increase resources for tourism promotion and destination management, thereby creating opportunities to improve service delivery, invest in the City’s visitor offer and strengthen the business and leisure tourism economy within the city and its surroundings.


Destination Coventry had successfully secured over £209k of additional private sector investment over the pilot period, to support tourism promotion and destination management. Whilst it should be noted that the model was still in its relative infancy and the development of a longer-term sustainable model was required, the projected success of the DMO and Partnership Local Visitor Economy Partnership model would contribute to sustaining and increasing employment in the tourism and hospitality sectors, creating positive opportunities for local people. This would further promote Coventry as a visitor destination and focus for investment, promoting opportunities for sustainable and inclusive growth in the city, thereby contributing to positive health outcomes for local residents.


In considering the presentation and briefing note, the Board questioned officers, received responses and discussed matters summarised below:


·  Increase in visitor numbers – mostly domestic visitor increase. Room rates were higher than they had ever been with hotel occupancy rates between 1-2%

·  Collaborative working essential to capture and share data to obtain an economic footprint

·  Destination Coventry – DMO commitment to working to ensure that Coventry works as a brand and a destination

·  Whole of Warwickshire was included – would provide better outcomes for the whole region

·  £107,000 secured from local private sector membership

·  Exhibitions/trade industry stands – stand presence generated cash transactions, with some in-kind transactions

·  DMO assisted businesses in securing business or signposting them to secure business for their venues

·  Data comparison of business support carried out by the Destination Management Organisation against external providers

·  97 active members of Destination Coventry

·  DMO support to businesses through the post COVID ‘Step back into hospitality’ scheme

·  Marketing – domestic only marketing for proof of concept. Proof of concept was about getting established as a brand. 

·  Visit England – Coventry now on the map

·  Next 12 months - decide where the best markets were and how to bring in new business. Need to target international events and connect with private sector businesses and also engage with the city’s universities

·  International market - vision to move into this area

·  Current Board was a good mix of private and public sector representatives and meetings were well attended

·  Consideration be given to representatives of the city’s Universities as members of the Board when the configuration of the Board was reviewed. Warwick University was a patron

·  Domestic/Coventry Market - Membership and patronage looked at and included but vision needed to be sustained

·  ‘In’ needs to be determined - what level they come in at and what level of support they need. Diverse range requiring bespoke support for individual needs

·  Coventry’s cultural and festival offer - starting to gather data

·  Look at marketing campaigns of individual organisations to determine how they could be expanded, possibly as a whole offer for visiting the City. Targeted work undertaken with further work planned

·  Visitor Guide – available but published/printed at a minimum

·  Events diary - a diary of all events in the city too big and difficult to manage however, a major/key events diary could be investigated

·  Need to be sensitive about publicising events - experience had shown that, following events publicity, businesses saw an opportunity to market their goods and services at an increased price

·  Data collection was an accredited model. There was a range of survey data and a different range of organisations asked to provide data. Data was not managed or analysed by local people

·  Taxis and Air B&Bs – interface with them to promote the city. Some training had been provided to Taxi drivers. Further work to be undertaken



Members requested that information be circulated to them regarding: the percentage of business support carried out by the Destination Management Organisation compared to external provider support; details of the 97 active members of Destination Coventry; details of the businesses, on a Ward-by-Ward basis, that received support through the post COVID ‘Step Back into Hospitality’ Scheme; and a copy of the presentation slides. They further requested that consideration be given to representatives of the city’s Universities as members of the Board when the configuration of the Board was reviewed.


RESOLVED that the Business, Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Board (3) notes the content of the briefing note and presentation.


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