Agenda item

Objections to Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders and Notices of Intent - Earlsdon Liveable Neighbourhood Scheme

Report of the Director of City Services



The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of City Services, concerning objections that had been received to Traffic Regulation Orders advertised in connection with the Earlsdon Liveable Neighbourhood Scheme.  In addition, notice was given for the provision of some sections of cycle track and notices of intent were advertised for the proposed installation of 2 controlled crossings and 3 raised tables.  The location and scope of these measures was developed following two rounds of public consultation.


The report indicated that 55 objections from 31 individuals had been received and in accordance with the City Council’s procedure for dealing with objections to TROs, they are reported to the Cabinet Member for City Services.


The report summarised the objections received to the statutory notices issued in relation to the Earlsdon Liveable Neighbourhood Scheme, which was approved for implementation at the Cabinet Member for City Services meeting on 8th January 2024.


Engagement with residents, businesses and other stakeholders had taken place over two stages, the first stage focusing on understanding people’s issues and objectives on what they felt (in terms of public realm changes) would make Earlsdon a more liveable neighbourhood, achieving a better balance between the needs of traffic and local people.  The second round of engagement sought feedback on a set of proposals designed to respond to the themes and priorities identified in the first round.


Following the second round of engagement, changes had been made to the scheme to respond to concerns raised, and it was these proposals that were included in the statutory notices advertised on 15th February 2024.


A summary of the proposed restrictions, objections and responses were set out in appendices to the report.  All of the respondents were invited to the meeting and a number were in attendance.  In addition, 2 objectors had submitted additional written comments in response to the report and these were reported at the meeting.


The report proposed implementation of the following:


·  Albany Road toucan crossing and associated cycle track designation

·  Area-wide 20mph Zone with supporting traffic calming measures

·  Beechwood Avenue traffic calming scheme including associated parking restrictions and landscaping

·  Broadway and Spencer Road traffic calming measures

·  Earlsdon Street zebra crossing and associated parking changes

·  Exemption for cycles to existing and proposed No Entry points and One Way streets

·  Introduction of West Midlands Cycle Hire docks in Earlsdon Avenue North and Warwick Street, subject to operator site approval

·  Pavement (footway) widening on Earlsdon Avenue North and Earlsdon Avenue South, and associated parking restrictions and landscaping

·  Point closures (mode filters) in Arden Street and Shaftesbury Road and associated parking restrictions

·  Point no entry in Stoneleigh Avenue, at junction with Kenilworth Road, and associated parking restrictions


The report proposed that the following elements of the scheme would not be implemented :


·  Point no entry in Warwick Street

·  Changes to parking restrictions in Warwick Street

·  Introduction of double yellow lines and Blue Badge parking bay in Moor Street

·  Removal of double yellow lines in Clarendon Street

·  Introduction of part-time taxi rank on Earlsdon Street


All parking in Warwick Street would remain as at present apart from the introduction of a West Midlands Cycle Hire dock within the carriageway.


The 24-hour part of the Earlsdon taxi rank would be introduced as advertised, but the part-time extents would be reviewed and re-advertised later.

Objectors speaking at the meeting raised the following points and concerns:


·  If Arden Street was closed off, this would increase traffic through Moor Street and Clarendon Street

·  Traffic being diverted away from Moor Street

·  The necessity of a further pedestrian crossing on Earlsdon Street

·  Closure of streets resulting in increased local journey times

·  Some Earlsdon residents being unaware of the scheme

·  Removal of parking bays outside the Post Office on Earlsdon Street

·  Beechwood Avenue:

o  Removal of parking bays

o  Double yellow lines across driveways

o  Poor visibility for drivers in and out of driveways

o  Measures to slow drivers into the bend

·  Increased emissions in Earlsdon affecting air quality

·  Mobile air quality equipment being installed in Earlsdon Street

·  The possible adverse effects on house prices in the area following the introduction of the scheme

·  Poor visibility for home-owners reversing into and out of driveways


Following responses from officers, the Cabinet Member agreed that the following data would be provided to objectors:


·  Speeding data by street

·  Air quality data before and after the scheme was implemented

·  Traffic density data

·  Numbers of accidents


Councillor Kelly, an Earlsdon Ward Councillor, attended the meeting and spoke in support of the Earlsdon Liveable Neighbourhood Scheme. She welcomed the extensive consultations that had taken place and suggested that the measures would improve the quality of life for residents including air quality.


The Cabinet Member thanked objectors for attending the meeting and providing their comments.  She gave assurance to the objectors that the scheme would improve Earlsdon and she requested that officers further investigate the issues raised.  She also encouraged objectors to make further contact through the Earlsdon Ward Councillors with any further issues.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for City Services:


1)  Considered all the objections to the proposed waiting restrictions, proposed traffic orders and raised tables, and the representations to the controlled crossings.


2)  Subject to recommendation (1), approves that the proposed shortening of waiting restrictions (double yellow lines) on Clarendon Street is not implemented.


3)  Subject to recommendation (1), approves that the proposed No Entry TRO on Warwick Street is not implemented.


4)  Subject to recommendation (1), approves that the proposed changes to waiting restrictions on Warwick Street are not implemented and the existing waiting restrictions remain in operation.


5)  Subject to recommendation (1), approves that the proposed changes to waiting restrictions on Moor Street between Warwick Street and Clarendon Street (installation of disabled parking bay and approximately 20m of double yellow lines) are not implemented.


6)  Subject to recommendation (1), approves that the proposed daytime 7am-7pm taxi ranks on Earlsdon Street are not implemented, that the existing waiting restrictions remain in operation and that a revised proposal is advertised in the future.


7)  Subject to recommendations 2 to 6 and following consideration of the objections and representations received, approves the implementation of the advertised proposals.


Supporting documents: