Agenda item

Quarter Three Performance 2023/24 - Adult Social Care

Report of the Director of Adults and Housing


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Adult Services and Housing that provided an update to Adult Social Care performance for quarter three 2023/24 alongside actions in place to improve performance and proposed next steps.


Adult Social Care performance is measured in line with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) national Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) and this performance is reported nationally at year end.


Adult Social Care (ASC) also measures a series of locally defined indicators, which are reported to the Adult Social Care Management Team on a quarterly basis.


The report updated the Cabinet Member for Adult Services on the quarter three performance, actions in place to improve performance and proposed next steps. It also provided an opportunity for the Cabinet Member to provide comment.


The report also gave an update on the Adult Social Care involvement approach including engagement and user experience work undertaken in the previous quarter. This is important alongside numerical performance as it provides a context for what people with care and support needs and their carers consider important and should be used to inform areas for improvement.


An appendix to the report outlined the ASCOF figures for each of the four domains and indicators set out in the report, demonstrating the quarter three improvement of key areas in comparison to 2021/22 and 2022/23 figures. Directional arrows were displayed to summarise performance compared to previous years against these indicators. It also provided a useful comparison between Coventry City Council’s figures and those at a regional and national level.


The Director of Adult Services and Housing outlined the information in the report with the Cabinet Member, providing clarification as to any significant changes in the indicator figures as well as the steps implemented to ensure continued improvement. Firstly, he highlighted the progress made in comparison to quarter two figures in the proportion of adults with learning disabilities who live in their own home or with their family increasing from 70.7% to 79.8%. However, the difficulty in reaching the national average figure of 57% of people in long term support for 12+ months was also recognised. It was suggested that it was likely that 50% would be reached soon but they would always endeavour to prevent no more than a 2 year interval between social care reviews. Lastly, it was highlighted that completion timescales continue to be improved and the continuing efforts made with regards to safeguarding have exhibited good progress.


Additionally, the Head of Adult Care and Support clarified a data issue concerning the proportion of adults with learning disabilities who live in their own home or with their family - mentioned in Minute 8 of the Cabinet meeting held on the 4 December 2023 – and stated that this had now been rectified.


Additionally, the Service Manager for Adult Communication updated the Cabinet Member on the engagement work being undertaken, especially with regard to the Service’s engagement with Adult Social Care providers, recruitment events, internship providers, the Carer’s Rights Day held in February, collaboration events with external partners and Jobcentre Plus and the recruitment and retention gains made as a result. ASC providers were also given refresher training on safeguarding and more events were organised within the community, such as at the Cheylesmore community centre, to encourage communication and the awareness of support with carers and those in need.


The Cabinet, Deputy and Shadow Cabinet Member asked questions, sought assurances and received responses on a number of matters including:

·  When is the next recruitment event with the Jobcentre Plus? – How it successfully streamlines the recruitment process.

·  Who the Adult Social Care Stakeholder Group is, what is their makeup, and how do we support them? – Providing administrative support and ensuring the group gets as wide a participation as possible.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Adult Services endorses the action taken in relation to the Adult Social Care quarter three 2023/24 performance including the next steps as outlined in the report.





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