Agenda item

Rebuilding Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Services

Report of the Director of Health and Wellbeing


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Public Health and Wellbeing, on the reprocurement of Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Services.


The report had also been considered by Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee at their meeting on 11th April 2024 at which they supported the recommendations to Cabinet. A Briefing Note was circulated that set out the Committee’s recommendation, which the Cabinet accepted:


That Cabinet’s attention be drawn to the following recommendations made to officers:

i)  That officers consider ways of assuring the consultation process and continue to consult throughout the term of the contract.

ii)  That officers provide information detailing how the new contract will improve performance, specifically in terms of opiate users >6 years opiate treatment

iii)  That the new contract ensures that there is capacity to undertake new and innovative approaches

iv)  That officers investigate how best to get feedback from GP’s on the effectiveness of treatment

v)  That officers ensure that data is collected on repeat attendances on treatment programmes


Coventry City Council was responsible for commissioning drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services. The current contract which the Council held for this service was due to expire in March 2025.


National policy in relation to drug and alcohol treatment had changed significantly with the launch of the new drug strategy ‘From Harm to Hope’ which reinforced the Government ambition to rebuild treatment services following a decade of disinvestment.


This report included a summary of the health needs in Coventry that related to drug and alcohol misuse, a summary of the engagement and consultation work carried out and the planned process for re-procurement of drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services.


The report proposed the reprocurement of services via an open tendering process under the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 introduced by the Health and Care Act 2022 and with the successful bidder commencing service delivery 1st April 2025. The report also summarised some of the funding streams relevant to this procurement and proposed that Cabinet accepted external grants, from which the Council could procure services.


Members requested that officers ensure that a contract performance review is undertaken at the halfway point of the 5 year contract.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet:


1)  Approves the recommendations from the Scrutiny Co=ordination Committee.


2)  Agrees to accept the Supplementary Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant/s in 2024/ 2025 and 2025/2026 up to a sum of no more than £2,500,000.


3)  Delegates authority to the Director of Public Health and Wellbeing, following consultation with the Director of Finance and Resources, to enter into the necessary grant funding agreement/s to give effect to Recommendation 2) above.


4)  Approve the commencement of a competitive procurement tender exercise for the provision of Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Services for a period of five years with the option to extend for up to a further four years, for a maximum contract length of 9 years.


5)  Delegate authority to the Director of Public Health and Wellbeing, following consultation with the Director of Finance and Resources, to award a contract for the provision of Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Services to the successful bidder.

Supporting documents: