Report of the Director of Adult Services and Housing
The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Adult Services and
Housing that outlined the updated Coventry Carers Action Plan 2024-26.
In context to the action plan, the report indicated that according to the 2021 census 27,391 Coventry residents identified themselves as unpaid carers (8% of all Coventry residents). This was a reduction from 31,900 (10% of residents) in 2011. However, the 2021 census was undertaken during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This may have influenced how people perceived being a carer and how individuals accepted unpaid care. It is estimated that around 10% of the Coventry population are unpaid carers. The estimated value of unpaid care in Coventry is £680 million per annum (Valuing Carers 2015).
Therefore, the report provided an update on carers’ needs in Coventry, and the resulting action plan to improve the Service’s support to carers in the context of these needs. This understanding of needs has been derived from analysis of the biennial Survey of Adult Carers in England 2021/22, a local ‘Let’s Talk’ Coventry Carers Survey undertaken in 2023 and using national information and data sets.
The Carers Action Plan 2024-26 focuses predominantly on adult carers, with some alignment with young carers where required. The plan is a working document, and it is aimed to continue to work with local carers and third sector organisations to shape the priorities and actions moving forward.
Delivery is expected to be achieved within existing resources across a partnership of the City Council, NHS and third sector partners, although any opportunities to lever in additional resources will be explored.
Appendices to the report included the Carers Action Plan 2024-26 in its entirety and the Equality Impact Assessment.
The Director of Adult Services outlined the information in the report, drawing the Cabinet Member’s attention to the fact that under the current plan carers in Coventry do not feel well served. The new plan aims to provide support to carers which makes them feel listened to.
The Service Manager for Adult Communications further highlighted that since the last action plan, the Service has worked on the main priorities and made the following improvements:
· The recommissioning of the Carers Trust
· Work and collaboration with Admiral Nurses
· The introduction of the Carers Self-Assessment that allows carers to access an assessment at a time to that suits them
· The launch of the carers bulletin – 3000 subscribers receive updates to keep well informed and are connected to other areas of the Council such as finance and housing
· Worked with General Practitioners (GPs) to encourage their support for carers, and collaborated with them through the Carers Trust
· Also received feedback from the Carers Trust about the service and the challenges carers face on a day-to-day basis – such as finances, health and wellbeing, isolation etc.
Additionally, the Service Manager for Adult Communications, highlighted that currently work is being undertaken to analyse the data collected from carers and align that to the action plan and progress through a series of priorities over the coming years. In year 1, the plan will focus on recommissioning the action plan with the aim to holistically improve the social contact of carers and work with third sector organisations to buy back care for carers to provide them with more spare time. In year 2, the focus will turn to getting carers more support including more tech and IT support to give them a break and avoid any potential periods of social isolation alongside improved advice and information with regards to ongoing issues such as the cost of living.
It was also noted that initial feedback from carers as to the plan has been positive, but as more data is collected from a national and local level the more the Service will engage with differing carers groups.
In summarising, prior to its official launch this month, officers stressed that they want the plan to evolve and will continue to make improvements and updates to make sure it is progressing with Adult Social Care.
The Cabinet and Deputy Cabinet Member asked questions, sought assurances and received responses on a number of matters including:
· Accredited GPs, their locations in the city, and ease of access for carers
· The provision of instant and emergency support – the role of the Carers Trust in providing emergency support
· The Milan Carers Group and the extremely beneficial support they provide
· Resolving annual data lag with direct carer engagement and local surveys
· Young carer engagement
· Ensuring people recognise that they are carers – the role of the pandemic in keeping carers housebound and working with other Council services and third-party shareholders to reach out to unforthcoming carers to make them aware of available support.
RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Adult Services endorses the action taken in relation to the Carers Action Plan 2024-26 including the next steps as outlined in the report.
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