Agenda item

Support for Pupils and Staff from Earlsdon Primary and Finham Park 2 Secondary Schools to attend the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Partner Schools 70th Anniversary International Peace Conference

Report of the Interim Chief Executive (Section 151 Officer)


The Cabinet Member for Strategic Finance and Resources considered a report of the Interim Chief Executive (Section 151 Officer) which sought approval to providing funding of £10,000 from the Policy Contingency Fund to support 10 pupils (5 from Earlsdon Primary School and 5 from Finham Park 2 Secondary School) and supporting staff members to attend the UNESCO Partner Schools 70th Anniversary International Peace Conference to be held in Japan in September 2023.


The report indicated that the origins of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) go back to November 1953 when UNESCO launched a project called the Scheme of Co-ordinated Experimental Activities in Education for Living in a World Community, with the participation of 33 secondary schools in 16 Member States. ASPnet was rooted in the mission to promote education for international understanding, co-operation, and peace, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) as well as interlinked with the 1974 Recommendation (concerning Education for International Understanding, Co-operation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms) as a model in the field of international education.


Today, the project has developed into the largest network of UNESCO, connecting more than 12,000 educational institutions from all levels of education in 182 countries. ASPnet continues to drive innovation and transformative learning experiences towards Global Citizenship Education, Education for Sustainable Development and intercultural and heritage learning at schools worldwide.


To celebrate the 70th anniversary of ASPnet in 2023, and to best illustrate its history as an incubator of promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development through education and taking into consideration the many challenges that we are facing today, the theme for the ASPnet 70th anniversary event is proposed to be “Fostering a Culture of Peace and Sustainability through Transformative Education”.


The Deputy Headteacher at Earlsdon Primary School has demonstrated a strong commitment to peace education and sits on the Lord Mayor’s Committee for Peace and Reconciliation. She has also had many years of building Japanese education in Coventry and led on many local initiatives including a pupil Japan conference for over 25 schools; the Flame of Friendship (40 schools) which mirrored the torch relay in Japan before the Tokyo Olympic Games; the creation and installation of the Japanese Peace Garden in the War Memorial Park; and a visit to Japan for primary school pupils from five Coventry schools in 2019.


Earlsdon Primary School is one of the leading schools in the city for peace initiatives. It was the first school in the city to be awarded the Lord Mayor’s Peace Award and it has national School of Sanctuary Status. Additionally, the school has recently been awarded the full British Council International School Award for work to link pupils around the world. The Director of UNESCO partner schools in the UK has approached the Deputy Headteacher of Earlsdon Primary school (who has worked with UNESCO on school programmes since 2018) to invite five pupils from Earlsdon Primary School to represent UK schools at the Peace Conference in Japan. Through discussion, it is also proposed to take five additional pupils from Finham Park 2 Secondary School to enable a representation from both the primary and secondary phases. Finham Park 2 work closely with Earlsdon Primary School on a number of international projects. UNESCO, who are currently considering an application from Coventry for all our schools to join ASPnet.


Between now and the conference, the Deputy Headteacher will be working on options that can increase wider school participation in the event. This includes an offer from Oxford University to lead ceramics workshops for up to 600 pupils, provide opportunities for pupils and families to visit their kilns situated in Oxford University's 1,000 acre ecological research estate and offer free bespoke packages for participating Coventry schools to take part in workshops at Oxford colleges.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Strategic Finance and Resources approves funding of £10,000 from the 2022/23 Policy Contingency budget to support pupil and teacher attendance at the UNESCO Partner Schools 70th Anniversary International Peace Conference to be held in Japan in September 2023.




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