Agenda item

Rough Sleeping Drug and Alcohol Treatment Grant

Briefing Note of the Director of Health and Wellbeing


The Committee considered a Briefing Note, appended to which was a report approved by Cabinet at their meeting on 13 December, 2022, (their Minute xx refers) which provided details of a Rough Sleeping Drug and Alcohol Treatment Grant (RSDATG) of up to £640, 361 to support rough sleepers and those at risk of rough sleeping to engage with and access drug and alcohol treatment.


A comprehensive presentation at the meeting provided information on:-


• Grant aims and objectives:-

-  Transform services

-  Access to treatment

-  Early Intervention

-  Support

-  Engagement approach


  • RSDATG in Coventry:-

-  Established a RSDATG team at Change Grow Live which includes outreach workers

-  Employed a worker in the CCC housing outreach team who works closely with the CGL colleagues

-  Provides additional physical and mental health support in the form a physical health outreach nurser, non-medical prescriber and Occupational Therapist


• Drug and Alcohol Treatment:-

-  Unstructured treatment and harm reduction

-  Structured treatment

-  Residential rehab


• Impact of the funding:-

-  Improves access to services by being responsive the individuals needs and providing additional support

-  Offers individuals easier and more timely access to structured into drug and alcohol treatment

-  Helps stabilise individuals housing and move then forward on their housing and benefits journey


  Success for this funding is moving the service user into mainstream drug and alcohol treatment services and maintaining/gaining appropriate accommodation.


 Facts and Figures, including engagement numbers and  

   gender/age/profile of clients


  A case study


The Committee asked questions and made comments on a number of issues including:-


-  Why Coventry had been identified as a priority for the grant funding

-  Details of the posts identified to support the delivery of the grant

-  The amount of support/cost required for each client, including health economic information

-  Grants available to support this work from other sources including Police and Probation sources

-  Concerns that the Council has to constantly bid for grants rather than the funding being part of the core funding. In particular, the resource/time intensive nature of bidding for grants and the time limited aspect of the grants which impacts on recruitment was noted

-  The national shortage of trained and experienced staff and work being undertaken in this regard

-  The costs associated with the use of agency staff (it was noted that this information would be circulated to the Committee after the meeting)

-  The timing of the grant funding and work being undertaken to ensure the grant is spent during the timescale

-  The importance of monitor and evaluating the grant funding and how this will be undertaken and measured

-  Levels of engagement and outreach work with clients and how this will differ depending on the individual needs

-  Work undertaken with other agencies, including the Police, in this regard

-  The designation of a key worker for each client and activities being provided during the day

-  Work being undertaken with the Job Shop in terms of employment and education


The Committee welcomed all of the work being undertaken in this regard.


RESOLVED that the Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee:-


1)  Notes the information provided in the Briefing Note and presentation


2)  Requests that a further report on progress be considered at an appropriate time, to include evaluation data and information regarding the logic modelling/framework








Supporting documents: