Agenda item

Coventry Local Air Quality Action Plan

Briefing note


The Board considered a briefing note and received a presentation which provided an update on the Coventry Local Air Quality Action Plan (CLAQAP).


The Board had previously been briefed on the CLAQAP, most recently in March 2020. The briefing note provided an update on progress with the implementation of the CLAQAP approved by the Council’s Cabinet in December 2020, and as subsequently included by Government in the Environment Act 1995 (Coventry City Council) Air Quality Direction 2021, issued in May 2021.  The Direction made it clear that the Council’s preferred package of measures, as approved by Cabinet, was to be implemented. 


Government had also approved grant funding of £24.5 million for the implementation of the Action Plan.  This had been complemented by grant funding secured from the West Midlands Combined Authority towards the Spon End scheme, the Foleshill Transport Package, and towards Liveable Neighbourhoods.The briefing note also summarised the funding sources that had been secured for the CLAQAP package.


The preferred option comprised an engagement programme aimed at reducing the number of local journeys made by car and encouraging alternative, sustainable, modes of travel such as walking, cycling and public transport to be used for these journeys. 


The Briefing Note included details on the following:


  • Significant investment in a segregated cycle route between Coundon and the city centre providing a high-quality route that will provide an attractive alternative to driving along the Holyhead Road corridor. 
  • A series of highway improvements aimed at reducing the volume of traffic on Holyhead Road, where NO2 levels were at their greatest. 
  • The opening-up of Upper Hill Street onto the ring road at Junction 8 and alternative option.
  • A further package of traffic management measures were proposed for Foleshill Road, with the aim of removing extraneous through traffic and reducing traffic flows, congestion, and NO2 emissions on this route into the city centre from the north. 
  • The change control request process.


The Board questioned Officers and received responses on a number of matters arising from the presentation including the following:


In respect of the Coundon Cycle way, Members asked that officers investigate the height of dropped kerbs (citing Barker Butts Lane as an example) as the current height seemed to make it difficult to exit driveways.


In response to a Member’s question, Officers clarified that Ward Councillors could seek residents suggestions for uses for the salvage brickwork from the site of the former Black Horse public house and they would facilitate discussion between the contractors and residents on that matter.


RESOLVED that the Board note the content of the report and presentation and recommend that officers:


·  Ensure continuing engagement with the public to raise awareness of ongoing works and the expected benefits for the City.

·  Focus on a city-wide campaign to encourage cycling with information on access to engaging with changes, for example, how to source less expensive bicycles

·  Bring back to this Board, the plans for Upper Hill Street at the consultation stage.


The Board also agreed to receive the following:

·  Information on new Government Nitrogen Dioxide limits as soon as they were available.

·  Details of bike hire uptake to be included in the item already on the work programme entitled “Local Cycling and Walking Plans.”

Supporting documents: