Report of the Director of Children’s Services
The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services, which set out proposals for the establishment of a Children’s Home, offering same day / short-term provision.
A corresponding private report detailing confidential financial matters was also submitted for consideration (Minute 44 below refers).
The Council currently operates 4 Children’s homes for up to 16 looked after children and commissions an additional 12 placements with private providers within the city. Based upon the Ofsted registration of these homes, and others within the city, a placement offer cannot be made to children who require accommodating at short notice or for a short period of time.
The Council wishes to establish an additional Children’s home, offering same day / short-term provision. This would be funded via acceptance of a Department for Education (DfE) Capital Grant, which would also require match funding of 50% capital borrowing by the Council. Should the DfE Capital Grant bid not be successful then 100% capital borrowing would be required to fund the project.
A sufficiency needs analysis was a requirement of section 22G of the Children Act 1989 and statutory guidance was issued in 2010. A recent analysis in Coventry identified the need for additional provision offering same day / short-term care for children in Coventry.
For some children and their families, additional time / space is needed whilst a wrap-around offer of support can be put in place or, due to level of need/trauma, some may require longer-term residential care as a looked after child.
Working across children’s services, finding the right placement at the right time, despite being part of a regional framework can be a significant challenge due to current market pressures, particularly for unplanned placements. Therefore, the Council is often reliant on spot contract providers who may inflate costs of the placement due to the urgency to meet the child’s immediate needs.
Nationally this had been acknowledged by the Department for Education (DfE) which had recently announced an initiative to match any capital funding required to enable local authorities to open and run its own provision. An application has been made and the service is currently waiting for a decision.
The current proposal is to purchase and refurbish a privately owned residential property to offer this provision. This would enable children to live locally whilst assessment and appropriate support is put in place which enables improved outcomes for children needing a same day / short-term provision.
RESOLVED that, the Cabinet:
1. Approve the acceptance of a DfE grant if awarded which will be utilised towards the commissioning and provision of an additional children’s home.
2. Approve capital expenditure of up to:
a. The sum as specified in the private report to be met from prudential borrowing in the event the grant is successful, or,
b. In the absence of the DfE grant award, the sum as specified in the private report to be met from prudential borrowing.
3. Delegate authority to the Director of Children’s Services following consultation with the Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Legal Officer to;
a. negotiate final terms and approve entry into any grant funding agreement
b. secure the DfE funding with the City Council acting as the Accountable Body for the funding as well as any other agreements required to bring into effect the recommendations set out in this report.
4. Delegate authority to the Director of Children’s Services following consultation with Chief Operating officer and Chief Legal Officer to undertake the necessary due diligence to identify and purchase a property that can be used for the purpose of a short-stay children’s home.
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