Agenda item

Locally Listed Building Nominations Consultation

Report of the Director of Streetscene & Regulatory Services


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Streetscene and Regulatory Services which sought authority to consult for a six-week period on the Local Listed Building Nominations. 


Nominations for Locally Listed Buildings can be submitted by members of the public, stakeholders and organisation via the council’s website. Any received would be checked to ensure compliance with the requirement of the scheme before going out to public consultation for a period six weeks.


The following nominations were detailed in Appendices 1-9 of the report:


·  Sir Guy and the Dun Cow sculpture, installed after Broadgate House was completed, circa 1953

·  George Eliot and Charles Ward Building, formerly Coventry Art College, Cope Street

·  Allesley Hotel, Birmingham Road, Elizabethan origins, with early 19th century alterations and mid-20th century additions

·  St Columba’s United Reform Church, St Columba’s Close, opened October 1931

·  Salt’s Tobacconist’s, New Union Street, 1957-60, original to the period frontage, comprising wooden façade, tiling and notable original signage

·  42 Britannia Street, constructed circa 1902, articulates period development defined in an Edwardian architectural style

·  Coronet Works, Far Gosford Street, built circa 1898 as a factory for the assembly of cars, important to the development of the motor industry in the city

·  Optical Art Mural, located on walkway between Bull Yard and Barracks Way, circa 1966, the only known example of Optical Art Mural in the city

·  Paris Cinema, former Empire nightclub (formerly Crown Cinema, Paris Cinema and Riley’s American Pool and Snooker Club), opened as Crown Cinema in 1912, taken over in 1925 as the first cinema run by Oscar Deutsch, famous founder of the Odeon cinema chain


Following consultation, officers would prepare a Statement of Representations detailing all of the views received during the consultation period, along with an officer recommendation regarding whether to list the Nominated building. A formal report detailing the recommendations would be submitted to Cabinet Member for consideration and ultimate decision.


Once a building is confirmed as Locally Listed, it would become a material consideration in determining planning applications.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member approves the nominations listed in Appendices 1-9 of the report (also detailed above) for public consultation for a period of six weeks.

Supporting documents: