Agenda item

Consultation on the Draft Biodiversity Net Gain Supplementary Planning Document

Report of the Director of Streetscene and Regulatory Services


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Streetscene and Regulatory Services which sought authority to consult for a six-week period on the draft Biodiversity Net Gain Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).


SPDs add further detail to the policies in the development plan but cannot introduce new policy. SPDs provide additional guidance for development and are capable of being a material consideration when making decisions on planning applications.


The purpose of the Biodiversity Net Gain SPD is to set out the Council’s approach towards achieving Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) from any new development. BNG is achieved when a development leads to an overall increase biodiversity relative to the site beforehand. The Biodiversity Net Gain SPD sets out how this can be achieved in Coventry using established methods.


The SPD is designed to assist prospective developers and applicants by providing guidance on how proposals can demonstrate they have met the requirements of planning policy related to biodiversity net gain in Coventry. By providing this information upfront Coventry City Council intends to provide additional clarity in the development process and ensure that negotiating obligations is based on a clear and consistent approach.


Responses to the consultation would be analysed and taken account of when considering amendments which may be required. The proposed final version would be submitted to Cabinet for adoption.


Members questioned the officers on a number of issues and responses were provided, matters raised included: 


·  Habitat banking – should be inclusive of all areas, not just the pretty ones.  Need to be creative to introduce biodiversity in more densely populated areas.

·  Transboundary nature of the effects of the SPD – consideration needed to be given to water corridors as a development close to a river in one area could impact an area further downstream.

·  What weight did the SPD have?

·  Consultation engagement with hard to reach communities.

·  More sites needed to be identified and added to the list of Coventry offset sites.


Members noted that the SPD is a material consideration that would have to be considered as part of a development proposal. With regard to consultation, it was noted that all the usual avenues would be utilised, such as social media, libraries, community venues, statutory bodies and parish councils. It was hoped that elected members would also help to raise awareness in their wards.


The Cabinet Member in summing up requested that the wording to Table

2.2 be amended to clarify the impact of transboundary effects.


RESOLVED that, the Cabinet Member:


1. Authorises a six week public consultation on the draft Biodiversity Net Gain Supplementary Planning Document, subject to an amendment at ‘Table 2: 2. in particular, (c) the transboundary nature of the effects’. (The amendment to be delegated to the Head of Planning Policy following consultation with the Cabinet Member.) 


2.  That a further report be submitted detailing an expanded list of offset sites for consideration.



(Post meeting Note: Further to Recommendation 1 above, Table 2.2 was amended as follows: There are no negative transboundary effect as this SPD relates to delivery of Biodiversity and Ecology sites and mitigation in Coventry City Council area. Any negative transboundary effects have already been assessed as part of the Local Plan’s sustainability appraisal, the Habitat Regulations Assessment and the Plan’s examination process. The City Council will continue to work with neighbouring authorities to seek positive cross boundary solutions to relevant biodiversity opportunities”.)


Supporting documents: