Agenda item

Monitoring Report Following the Implementation of Parking Charges at the War Memorial Park

Briefing Note of the Director of Streetscene and Regulatory Services


Further to Minute x/20, the Committee considered a Briefing Note of the Director of Streetscene and Regulatory Services which provided details of monitoring undertaken in relation to the impact of potential displacement parking following the introduction of charging at the War Memorial Park. The Committee had requested this information following consideration of a call-in of the original decision to introduce the charging.


The Briefing Note outlined the methodology and detailed the review and monitoring undertaken of on street parking and traffic volumes which included:-

·  Impact on displacement parking

·  The use of alternative modes of transport and impacts on climate change

·  The impact of the introduction of charges on blue badge holders


The following key findings of the monitoring were outlined:-


·  The total numbers of vehicles counted across all zones were consistent for before and after the implementation of charges

·  No impacts of displacements were witnessed by the monitoring team following the introduction of charges

·  No formal complaints had been received in relation to parking issues caused from displacement parking following the introduction of charging


The Briefing Note also detailed work undertaken by the City Council on a new Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, which will set out in detail plans to achieve net zero by 2041, or earlier if possible. The City Council is also working on a new Transport Strategy and a draft of the Strategy has recently been approved for public consultation in early 2022.

In relation to alternative modes of transport, the Briefing Note outlined the success of the West Midlands Cycle Hire scheme, which was launched earlier this year. By September 2021 the docking station nearest the main car park was ranked in the top 10 docks in the city by origin and destination and the most popular outside the City Centre.

In addition, sustainable travel to the city's parks is promoted via the Travel Assistant journey planner which has been embedded within the War Memorial Park website to assist visitors with route information depending on the form of travel they wish to use. The Park and Ride service is an alternative method available from Kenilworth Road car park and, as proposed, discounted parking for users of the service has been introduced. For stays over 3 hours parking fee is reduced to £1


The Committee asked questions, sought assurances and made comments in relation to a number of issues including:-


·  The cost of installing the charging equipment and income achieved (It was noted that this information was not originally requested as part of the review and monitoring)

·  Further data on the usage of the cycle hire scheme at the park (It was noted that this information would be provided to the Business, Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Board (3) as part of their consideration of the Cycling Strategy

·  The benefits of the increased and improved security of the car park, including the fact that there had been no Traveller incursions since the introduction of the charges and equipment

·  How the introduction of the charges had helped to ensure that parking was available for residents across the City to use the park


RESOLVED that the Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee:-


1)  Notes that there has been no significant impact on displacement parking since the introduction of car park charges at the War Memorial Park


2)  Notes the steps taken to support alternative methods of transport to car usage


3)  Notes the steps taken to improve parking facilities for blue badge holders


4)  Notes and welcomes the success of the scheme in achieving its objectives


5)  Requests that information regarding the costs of installation and income achieved in a 12 month period be circulated to the Committee






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