Agenda item

Proposed New Equality Objectives 2022-2025

Report of the Director of Public Health and Well-being


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Public Health and Wellbeing, to be considered by the Cabinet Member of Policing and Equalities at his meeting to be held on 17 January, 2022. The report indicated that Coventry City Council is committed to fulfilling its duties as a public authority under the Public Sector Equality Duty.  As part of this general duty, the Council is required to comply with a specific duty to publisha set of equality objectives which will further the aims of the general duty. 


The current set of equality objectives were set in 2020 for a period of two years and will therefore expire at the end of March 2022. The report, together with a presentation at the meeting, detailed key highlights of progress made against those objectives:-


Objectives 2020-2022


·  Create a foundation to drive improved access to service through better use of equalities data

·  Develop and deliver in partnership a whole-city approach to “Building a Coventry that works for all”

·  Increase the diversity of our workforce at all levels so that we are more representative of the communities we serve and better able to meet their diverse needs

·  Increase the number of 18-24 year olds getting into employment

·  Increase the number of disabled residents taking part in sporting and cultural activities in the City


The Committee noted that, in some cases the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent emergency response required by the Council impacted on the delivery of some of the actions identified for each of the objectives.


Analysis of the progress made since 2020 with the current set of equality objectives has informed the development of the proposed following set of equality objectives for 2022, further details of which were provided in a presentation at the meeting :-


Proposed Objectives for 2022-2025


·  Create a foundation to drive improved access to services through better use of equalities data

·  Develop better understanding of our diverse communities in order to shape and deliver the Council’s Integration policy and practice for the City and its residents

·  To increase year on year the percentage of applications for employment received and appointments made to candidates who are either LGBT+, declare a Disability or are from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds

·  Increase the effective delivery of Council services in key areas

·  Increase participation from residents and visitors with disabilities in sporting and cultural activities, including events in the City


The report detailed consultation on the above proposed objectives, details of which were appended to the report, and indicated that the results of the consultation will be fed into the development of action plans for each equality objective and the issues raised will be addressed through this approach. 


The Committee asked questions, made comments and sought assurances on a number of issues including:-


·  The introduction of the Tribepad recruitment system, which has enabled job applications to be anonymised (the success of which was noted and welcomed) and work being undertaken/planned to provide support and skills for interviews

·  The disappointing response to the Consultation process and work undertaken in this regard to increase involvement and feedback (Minute 42 below also refers)

·  Placement opportunities for Graduates from the 2 Universities in the City

·  How the objectives for 2020-2022 have been performance managed

·  Increasing diversity within the City Council’s senior management and ensuring that the Council’s workforce reflects the community it serves

·  The promotion and celebration of diversity and inclusion across the Council, including the Diversity and Inclusion calendar

·  The importance of sharing good practise with other employers across the City (It was noted that Anchor Alliance was included in the Committee’s Work Programme of items to be considered in 2022/23)


RESOLVED that the Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee:-


(1)  Supports and endorses the report, including the adoption of the new equality objectives for the Council for 2022-25


(2)  Recommends that the Cabinet Member for Policing and Equalities be requested to ensure that the Council recognises Equality Day on 14 April and that the Diversity and Inclusion calendar includes the national day for atheism


Supporting documents: