Report of the Director of Law and Governance
The Committee considered a report of the Director of Law and Governance which indicated that the Local Government Association (LGA) has been coordinating a programme of work entitled ‘Civility in Public Life’, primarily aimed at:
· articulating good standards for anyone engaging in public and political discourse
· understanding the scale and impact of intimidation and abusive behaviour on membership organisations, and developing recommendations for achieving positive debate and public decision-making on a local level
· supporting LGA members and all democratically elected local representatives in addressing intimidation and abuse, so they deliver the best on behalf of their communities
The report detailed the following updates in respect of the Civility in Public Life work:-
a) The LGA has re-confirmed its commitment to promoting civility in public life and supporting the well-being of elected members, stating that the recent tragic death of Sir David Amess MP has brought this issue into marked focus. Everyone in public life should be able to go about their daily business without fear of attack and the LGA has also stated that it is a challenge that they are determined to meet.
To support this programme the LGA has issued a “Call for evidence of abuse and intimidation of councillors” consultation. A copy of the questions asked were appended to the report. The call for evidence is intended to capture elected members' experiences and emerging trends around abuse and intimidation from the public. It is anticipated that the evidence collected will help the LGA to develop a body of evidence to support its calls for legislative and systemic change and develop support for elected members.
b) In July 2021 the LGA published supporting guidance on its Model Councillor Code of Conduct, which aims to help understanding of and allow for consistency of approach towards the Model Code.
Improving Digital Citizenship has always been a key element of the LGA’s Civility in Public Life work and is becoming increasingly important as our daily interactions continue to take place online and new technologies of information are constantly used to facilitate communication with citizens, officers and councillors. Online abuse and intimidation of local councillors and supporting officers working with them is a major challenge to local democracy and to the diversity of our local representatives.
The LGA’s work in respect of Digital Citizenship is ongoing but the following have been published to date:
a) Rules of Engagement Info Graphic – the info graphic produced by LGA can be pinned to a member’s social media profile to outline the ways in which they intend to engage with people online. These rules are designed to give all users a clear ‘code’ by which they should operate, with a clear statement that users can be blocked, or posts deleted, if they fail to participate in a civil manner. Based on this infographic, Coventry specific ones have been created for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for the consideration of the Ethics Committee and were appended to the report.
b) Signpost to further resources – in particular “Glitch” which is a UK charity that is working to end online abuse – particularly against women and marginalised people. It was founded in 2017 by then local politician, Seyi Akiwowo, after she received a flood of abuse when a video of her speech at the European Parliament went viral. Through training, research, workshops, and programs, Glitch aims to build an online world that is safer for all.
Glitch’s ‘Fix the Glitch Toolkit 2.0’ is designed to end online gender-based violence for Black women. It covers online gender-based violence, self-care, supporting women online when they experience online abuse, and how we can work to end online violence against Black women. An extract of a section on being an active by-stander was appended to the report.
Locally, before the Covid pandemic, a piece of work was being undertaken, sponsored by the Cabinet Member for Policing and Equalities, that looked at challenges for City Council elected members and how to support participation in public service. More recently this work was picked up in the review of the offer to elected members around member support as a result of a different emerging landscape for elected members to operate in post Covid.
A consultation “Leader of our Communities – can we improve our service” was sent to all members. Overall, there were 31 responses received to the survey out of a possible total of 54. Responses from the consultation included experiences of intimidation and what support would help in managing or preventing such situations. These consultation responses have been evaluated and are informing a targeted approach to supporting members in this area. One part of the proposed response being to raise awareness of the LGA guidance on intimidation and harassment alongside additional local protocol and guidance.
Civility in public life is supported through adherence to the requirements of the Code of Conduct for Elected and Co-opted Members in treating others with “respect”. This is enhanced in the new Model Code of Conduct produced by the Local Government Association, which the Council adopted a revised version of with effect from the 2021/22 municipal year.
Digital Citizenship is supported through advice and guidance available from the Council’s Communications Team. Earlier this year, the Social Media Protocol for Elected Members was updated to recommend ways in which Councillors protect themselves online, how to respond to abusive messages, and encourages Councillors to seek support where needed. A copy of the guide was appended to the report.
The Committee discussed, asked questions and raised concerns in relation to a number of issues including:-
· The need for complaints regarding harassment and intimidation of those in public life to be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly by the Police. It was noted that this issue could be raised locally with the Police via the Resilience Board with a view to informing the work on a local protocol. A request was made that the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner be involved in any such discussions
· The need to ensure that the right language is used and a request to re-word the “Rules of Engagement” to use less confrontational language. The document was commended and officers were requested to consider rolling the document out across the Council
· The importance of raising concerns regarding intimidation in public life with the Government, local MPs and the Local Government Association
· The launch of the “No Excuse, No Abuse” campaign in January 2022 in response to a rise in verbal and physical abuse directed at Council employees was welcomed and supported and it was agreed to add an elected Member element to that campaign
· It was noted that Social Media training was provided to all Members and the importance of this training for both members and officers was recognised.
RESOLVED that the Ethics Committee:-
1) Notes and welcomes the work that has been undertaken by the LGA and the City Council in promoting Civility in Public Life and Digital Citizenship
2) Supports the work that is taking place locally to adopt Civility in Public Life and Digital Citizenship and approve the Rules of Engagement Info Graphics appended to the report ; requests that officers take on board comments now made in relation to the language used in the document ; and supports officers in promoting this approach amongst Members and rolling it out across the Council
1) Supports officers in promoting the LGA’s consultation, amongst elected members
2) Requests that officers write to the Home Secretary on behalf of the Committee outlining the Committee’s concerns regarding the rise in harassment and intimidation in public life and requesting that the Government reinforces legislation in relation to ensuring that complaints in relation to this matter are investigated and dealt with appropriately; and that the support of local MPs and the LGA is sought in relation to this matter
3) Notes that work will be undertaken locally with the Police via the Resilience Board in relation to ensuring that complaints regarding harassment and intimidation of those in public life are taken seriously and investigated thoroughly, with a view to including in a local protocol
4) Notes and welcomes the social media training that is provided for Members and that awareness of this training be raised with Members
5) Requests that an elected Members element be added to the “No Abuse No Excuse” campaign to be launched in January, 2022
6) Requests that this item remains on the Work Programme of the Ethics Committee for continued review.
Supporting documents: