Agenda item

Academies Act 2010 - Grant of temporary 5-year excluded act lease following the proposed academy conversion in respect of Woodfield School site and the grant of a 125-year Long Lease in respect of Woodlands School site to the Sidney Stringer Multi-Academy Trust (MAT)

Report of the Director of Education and Skills


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Education and Skills, which set out proposals for the grant of a temporary 5-year excluded act lease following the proposed academy conversion of Woodfield School site and the grant of a 125-year Long Lease in respect of Woodlands School site to the Sidney Stringer Multi-Academy Trust (MAT).


The report indicated that although authority was delegated to the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills in respect of academy conversion sign-off, officers considered that a formal Cabinet report is appropriate for the academy conversion of Woodfield Primary and Secondary school (Woodfield School) given the unique nature of this conversion.  There is a requirement for multiple leases and also a significant cost implication for the Council in relation to the planned works at the existing Woodfield School sites and the Woodlands School site, the aim of which is to continue and improve SEND education provision and opportunities in the City.


Following an Ofsted inspection at Woodfield School in March 2020, which resulted in a grading of ‘Inadequate’, Woodfield School is required to academise.  The Governing Body of the school has made a successful application to the Secretary of State for an Academy Order under the Academies Act 2010 (the 2010 Act).  Following the West Midlands Headteacher Board in October 2020, it was agreed that Woodfield School will join the Sidney Stringer Multi-Academy Trust (Sidney Stinger MAT) as a convertor academy and thereafter will cease to be maintained by the Local Authority.


The Local Authority has a statutory duty to provide appropriate education provision for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).  The Council aims to deliver support for children and young people in SEND in the mainstream sector where possible, and within their community, to enable them to enjoy the same range of experiences and opportunities as children with no additional needs.  Following the conversion to an academy, Sidney Stringer MAT will provide the appropriate education provision for children and young children with SEND from Woodfield School.


It is proposed that the Sidney Stringer MAT will use and occupy Woodfield School for the delivery of the aforementioned educational provisions under a 5-year lease and, upon the practical completion of agreed works being carried out by the Council to the adjoining Woodlands School, Sidney Stringer MAT will decant from Woodfield School to Woodlands School.  At the point off practical completion of the agreed works at Woodlands School and relocation of Woodfield School to this site, even if this is prior to the expiry of the 5-year term of the Woodfield School temporary leases, it is agreed that Sidney Stringer will surrender the 5-year lease of Woodfield School and complete a 125-year lease of the agreed land and buildings at Woodlands School in accordance with Section 1 of the 2010 Act.


This will enable officers to subsequently market and dispose of Woodfield School together with surplus playing filed land at Woodlands School for housing development thereby securing a capital receipt for the Council.


RESOLVED that, the Cabinet:


1.  Note Woodfield School’s intent to convert to an academy by joining the Sidney Stringer MAT.


2.  Authorise the Director of Law and Governance to agree and complete the suite of legal documentation to facilitate the short-term 5-year lease in respect of Woodfield School, the grant of 125-year long lease in respect of Woodlands School, the separate lease or leases in respect of the Site Services Officer (SSO) accommodation and any necessary Commercial Transfer Agreement (CTA).


3.  Delegate authority to the Director of Education and Skills, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, to agree where necessary any amendments to the legal agreements arising from further consideration by both the Council and Sidney Stringer MAT.

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