Agenda item

Objections to Proposed Speed Limit Reduction - Princethorpe Way, Quorn Way and Bredon Avenue Area

Report of the Director of Transportation and Highways


The Cabinet Member considered a report and received a presentation of the Director of Transportation and Highways concerning one objection that had been received to a Traffic Regulation Order  advertised on 18 February 2021 which proposed to extend the existing 20mph speed limit on Princethorpe Way, Quorn Way and associated side roads to include part of Bredon Avenue and the side roads abutting it, to improve road safety. A location plan and a summary of the objection and the responses to the issued raised were set out in appendices to the report. As the meeting was being held remotely, in line with the revised government regulations, the objector had been offered the opportunity to submit any additional comments in writing in response to the report. The objector had been provided with additional information on watching the live stream meeting.


The report indicated that on 25th March 2014 the Cabinet Member for Public Services committed to the aspiration that Coventry becomes a 20mph city and to recommendations made by a Task and Finish Group established by Public Services, Energy and Environment Scrutiny Board (4) to consider how to assess and prioritise requests for 20mph zones and 20mph limits outside of the safety scheme process, taking into consideration requests from the community. 


The Quorn Way Area 20mph speed limit was installed in 2002 and extended further along Princethorpe Way in 2010.  However, the 20mph section on Quorn Way did not have the necessary signage. It was therefore proposed to install the required entry signage to encourage slower driving behaviour.  In addition, it was proposed to extend the 20mph area to include part of Bredon Avenue, as residents had previously raised concerns about vehicular speeds and this would assist to achieve the aspiration to become a safer speed city.


The Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) was advertised proposing to extend the existing 20mph speed limit on Princethorpe Way, Quorn Way and associated side roads to include part of and Bredon Avenue and side roads abutting it. The general effect of this proposal would be to increase the existing 20mph speed limit area to improve road safety. The speed limit reduction would also assist to improve the safety of vulnerable road users, in particular pedestrians. 


The objection received, was not against the proposal to reduce the speed limit in the area proposed in the TRO, but was due to the objector’s belief that 20mph speed limits should be made across the city in one action.


It was recommended that the order be made as advertised since the area was a self-contained network of residential roads, many of which already had existing traffic calming features together with natural road bends and narrowings, which would help keep speeds low.  Additionally, reducing speeds to 20mph could have a wide range of benefits for the community, including encouraging cycling and walking, because of the calmer environment for ‘vulnerable’ road users.  A reduction in speeds could prevent collisions and could also reduce the severity of injuries sustained in collisions that occurred.  A pedestrian was likely to suffer slight injuries if struck by a vehicle travelling at 20mph.  However, at 30mph they were likely to be severely injured, and at 40mph or above, they were likely to be killed. It was considered that the proposed 20mph speed limit would assist in improving safety for all road users, including pedestrians and other vulnerable road users.


RESOLVED that, having considered the objection to the proposed 20mph speed limit extension, the implementation of the City of Coventry (Princethorpe Way, Quorn Way & Bredon Avenue Area) (20mph Zone & Consolidation) Order 2021 be approved.


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