Agenda item

Conference and Travel Policy

Report of the Director of Law and Governance


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Law and Governance which indicated that the Conference and Travel Protocol at Part 4E of the Constitution sets out the procedure for Councillors wishing to attend conferences, seminars or fact-finding visits or inspections. It also deals with foreign travel by both Councillors and employees. The Protocol had not been reviewed for some years.


As part of a wider review of the Constitution, Council on 8 September 2020 resolved that:


(a)  The Conference and Travel Protocol be removed from the


  (b) Officers be authorised to produce a policy for the approval of conference and travel  costs for members and officers;

(c)  Once drafted, the policy be approved by Ethics Committee;

(d)  A register of travel and conference attendance costing more than £500 and all travel outside of the UK be maintained and published; and

(e) The register of travel and conference costs be scrutinised by Ethics Committee twice a year.


Attached as an Appendix to the report was a draft revised Conference and Travel Policy for consideration and approval by the Committee. The purpose of the new policy is to ensure that there is clarity and transparency in the process, not to increase or decrease the cost such activities. Therefore, it is not expected that there will be any financial implications arising from the recommendations of this report.


The draft Policy provides that:


·  travel and conference attendance for officers and members requires the approval of the appropriate budget holder;


·  the requirement for members to seek Cabinet Member approval for attendance at conference is removed (subject to the approval of the appropriate budget holder)


·  any expenditure which is likely to be £500 or more (including subsistence costs) must be entered onto a public register, together with all travel outside the UK; and


·  the register will be scrutinised by the Committee twice a year, which is in line with its current practice on scrutiny of gifts and hospitality received by members and officers.


The introduction of a public register and scrutiny by the Committee provides a measure of openness and transparency which is not present in the current Protocol. For example, having a register online will make it easier for members of the public to see the extent of travel and attendance at conferences than at present.

The Committee sought clarification on a number of points, particularly in relation to to Cabinet Members being involved in the decision- making process.


In relation to this, it was proposed that the draft Policy be amended to require that approval for attendance by budget holders be undertaken following consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.


It was also noted that Members of Scrutiny would be able to view the public register and clarified that Councillors may still be required to submit a report to Scrutiny outlining the benefits of attendance at any conference etc where the cost to the City Council, including travel and subsistence costs does not exceed £500.   


RESOLVED that, subject to the amendments detailed above in relation to approval by budget holders to be undertaken following consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member and the scrutinising of attendance at any conference where the cost does not exceed £500, the Conference and Travel Policy be approved.





Supporting documents: