Presentation from Jo Galloway, Coventry and Rugby CCG
The Sub Group received a joint presentation from Jo Galloway, Chief Nursing Officer and Deputy Accountable Officer, Coventry and Rugby CCG, Rachael Danter, System Transformation Director, Coventry and Warwickshire Health and Care Partnership, Elaine Clarke, Matron, UHCW and Mel Coombes, Chief Nurse, Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive, CWPT on the NHS response to the ongoing covid-19 position.
Jo Galloway reported on the third phase NHS response with the priorities since August being:
· Accelerating the return to near-normal levels of non-Covid health services;
· Preparation for winter demand pressures, including flu planning and planning for potential Covid-19 spikes;
· Doing the above taking into account lessons learned during the Covid-19 peak; tackling challenges; supporting staff, and taking action on inequalities and prevention.
The Sub Group were informed that the Coventry and Warwickshire Health and Care Partnership had developed a system plan which looked to accelerate the restoration of non-Covid health services to pre-pandemic levels between now and March 2021.
Information was provided on the system approach to Infection Prevention Control (IPC) which included joint funding streams to bolster resources; recruitment to 6 additional IPC posts; a targeted programme of support for care homes and domiciliary; 7 day surveillance of outbreaks; system and place-based Flu plans; weekly meetings with NHS partners to share information and good practice across the system; and the development of a new IPC Strategy.
The current work within primary care was also highlighted.
Rachael Danter provided an update on testing which included the current issues with the national Pillar 2 testing programme – unprecedented demand which had outstripped the laboratory capacity commissioned. Work underway to increase capacity and should be back up to required levels in approximately 4 weeks. Pillar 1 route offering support from UHCW. Antibody testing was now being offered to care and local authority staff, uptake was still low so communications were being produced to try and increase take up. In addition Point of Care testing had now been approved for roll-out, with Andy Hardy acting as the national lead.
Elaine Clark reported on the contact tracing arrangements at the hospital. In response to covid-19, the hospital had produced a guidance for high/ medium/ low risk pathways using a red, amber, green risk system which had now been shared across the region. Attention was drawn to the recent survey completed by 109 patients from different areas about their hospital experience. Overall, 97% of respondents felt safe and secure during their time at the hospital.
Mel Coombes informed of the arrangements for CWPT patients which included initially set up ‘zoning’ process within in-patient wards to manage patients who presented as symptomatic or pending swab tests; the opening of Spencer/Edgwick at the Caludon Centre as a mental health covid admission/swabbing ward; the option to open a ward for Learning Disability services if needed (not required to date); PPE guidelines; and covid secure risk assessments in place for non-clinical areas. Other initiatives included a staff re-deployment plan initiated; the supported employment of student nurses as HCA’s; and an employment plan for aspiring nurses (3rd year). The Sub Group noted that the majority of services continued to operate as business critical and that IT solutions had been implemented at pace to maintain service delivery.
The Sub Group were informed that funding from the Infection Control Fund, which supported initiatives to assist care homes, was due to end on 30 September.
Members discussed the current position relating to visiting at the hospital and the other ways being used to connect patients with their families. Further information was provided on the situation with the nightingale hospitals. A concern was raised about employers not enforcing social distancing in the work place and an update was provided about the proactive partnership work being undertaken by the City Council, the Chamber of Commerce and the LEP.
RESOLVED that the NHS response to the ongoing covid-19 position be noted.