Agenda item

One Coventry Plan Annual Performance Report 2019-20

Report of the Chief Executive


The Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Executive which indicated that One Coventry describes the Council’s objectives, key strategies, and approaches. The One Coventry Plan is for the period 2014 to 2024; and it was last refreshed in 2016. It builds on the Council’s long-standing principles (being globally connected, locally committed, and working together to deliver priorities with fewer resources) and sets out new ways of working to help the Council face the challenges of increasing demand and reduction in funding.


The annual performance report sets out the progress made towards the One Coventry Plan. For each objective, this report sets out the trends, actions taken, and performance metrics, to provide an objective assessment of the progress made against previous years and other places.


The Council uses agreed indicators to show progress made towards its priorities. This is supported by a wider basket of measures such as equality and perception measures that help explain the trends and story behind the headlines. Indicators are selected from key strategies and aligned to directorate priorities and equality and health inequalities objectives.


The Council’s priorities are delivered through strategies aligned to the One Coventry Plan; as set out in the performance management framework. As part of the performance management process, leadership teams within each directorate and the corporate leadership team have been involved in ensuring that the organisation’s key strategies are aligned to the One Coventry Plan.


The One Coventry Plan is currently measured using 75 indicators. Of these, 39 indicators improved; 11stayed the same and 13 indicators got worse. For the remaining 12 indicators, we can’t say for 10indicators and progress is not available for 2 indicators. This means, at the end of March 2020, 79% (50/63) of directional indicators improved or stayed the same. This compares to 78% (52/67) in 2018/19 and 71% (42/59) in 2017/18.

Covering the period April 2019 to March 2020, this year’s annual report reflects the comparative calm and coveted stability pre-pandemic and cannot begin to reflect the significant changes that have happened. However, it would be amiss not to mention the significant impact of COVID-19 – on the city’s economic performance, tourism, adult social care, city centre regeneration, poverty reduction, access to culture and sport, reducing health inequalities – indeed every aspect of the work of the Council and the life of Coventry’s residents, communities, businesses and organisations. Our intention is for this report to serve as a baseline against which the ramifications of the

 global pandemic for Coventry will be compared.

Many of the Council’s key priorities have an equality dimension or address an inequality caused by economic or social circumstances. Consequently, this report also sets out how the Council addresses these equality and health inequalities.


Appendices to the report contained the One Coventry Annual Performance Report 2019/20 and the Performance Management Framework 2020/21.


The report had been considered by the Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee at their meeting on 4 November, 2020 and a further appendix to the report detailed their consideration.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet:-


1)  Notes the consideration of the report by the Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee.


2)  Approves the Performance Report.


3)  Considers the Council’s performance this year and identify areas that they wish to address in further detail.

Supporting documents: