Agenda item

Review and Extension of Coventry City Council's Community Short Breaks Offer

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (People)


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (People) which sought approval to extend the current community short breaks service offer to different locations across the city and facilitate extra sessions.


Local authorities are required by law to provide a range of short breaks for children who have disabilities. Short breaks give children and young people who have disabilities the opportunity to join in with an enjoyable activity away from their parents and carers whilst providing a break from caring responsibilities.


The Breaks for Carers of Disabled Children Regulations 2011 state that a local authority must provide, so far as is reasonably practicable, a range of services which is sufficient to assist carers to provide care or to do so more effectively.


In Coventry, the duty to provide short breaks is exercised through a range of service provisions including community short breaks. This service offers group activities to children and young people aged 5-17 who have a disability and live in Coventry.


The proposal was to extend the current service offer to different locations across the city and facilitate extra sessions, within the existing budget envelope.


All children and young people who have a disability and live in Coventry are entitled to receive a short break, there are different types of short breaks available for children and families.  


The report focused on the community short breaks service which is delivered by Coventry City Council. Activities are recreational and take place mainly at the Broad Park Centre and during school holidays, other community venues are utilised.


The report outlined two options. The first, finding alternative voluntary sector providers to deliver community short breaks on behalf of the Council generated very little interest and proved to be a non starter. Option 2, the recommended option was for community short breaks to continue to be run by the City Council by extending the offer within the existing budget envelope of £98k.


Parents and carers have expressed that they want the activities offered to be facilitated at a range of locations across the city, to reduce the need travel to the Broad Park Centre. They would also like a broader range of activities. The plan was to extend the provision to a range of locations across the city.


In accordance with the principles of coproduction set out in the Special Educational Needs & Disability Code of Practice 2015, the sessions would be co-designed by children, young people, parents and carers. The proposal was to transform the current service from delivering recreational activities into a service which delivered activities for children and young people that are aspirational, and outcome focused.


The Cabinet Member and Deputy Cabinet Member welcomed the report and were delighted that the service is to be maintained by the City Council and be extended to capture a wider cohort of children. Members praised and thanked officers for the work undertaken in this regard.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, having considered the options set out in the report, approves the proposal set out in Option 2 to maintain and extend the short breaks provision as a service provided by Coventry City Council 

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