Agenda item

Commercial Activities Supporting Parks Infrastructure

Briefing Note of the Scrutiny Co-ordinator


The Committee considered a briefing note and received a presentation on the current commercial activities supporting the parks infrastructure. A copy of the report ‘Coombe Abbey Park – Commercialisation and Sustainable Development of Children’s Play Facilities and Car Park Remodelling’ considered by Cabinet at their meeting on 19th November 2018 was attached as an appendix to the briefing note.


The presentation indicated that in October 2018 the City Council agreed to fund a tree top, high wire experience at Coombe Abbey Park in partnership with Coombe Abbey Hotel and Go Ape. The Go Ape facility had been operational since April 2019 and had exceeded expectations in both visitor numbers and financial performance, providing an enhancement to the visitor experience at the park.


It had also been decided to improve the food and beverage offer at the park and improvements to the café had been undertaken and other potential options were highlighted.


The presentation referred to the proposals to further improve the visitor experience at Coombe Abbey Park by replacing and updating the two existing play areas, one adjacent to the park’s visitors centre and the second in the wooded area near Top Pool Lodge, replacing the current outdated, free to use play area. It was intended that the play area near Top Pool Lodge would be a pay and play facility with a proposed charge of £2 per session or £5 per family. An example of the type of play facility proposed for the charged area was provided. The proposed new facilities would be of a distinct bespoke themed and unique design offering a real step change in children’s play provision. The design and construction would fit naturally in the park environment. Market research for the entire scheme indicated an increase in park visitor numbers of between 15 and 20%. 


In addition, it was also planned to remodel the existing car park to create an additional 300 parking spaces to handle the expected increase in numbers.


The Committee were informed that expenditure of £800,000 had been approved by Cabinet to finance the improvements to the park.


Members questioned the officer on a number of issues and responses were provided, matters raised included:


·  Support for Go Ape

·  A concern about the £2/£5 charge for the new play area for low income families, especially in light of the car park charges

·  The options for local residents to use public transport to access the park as oppose to private vehicles, particularly in light of climate change

·  How to encourage the bus operators to improve the public transport offer to and from the park and also consideration to be given to the option of using very light rail

·  Further details about the plans for the additional car park spaces

·  What was being done to encourage members of the public to walk or cycle to the park

·  Support for the potential option to open up the circular footpath around the lake

·  Support to have electric charging points included in the car park along with a bus hub

·  Further details about the catering opportunities associated with events at the park

·  A request to see the results of the market research recently undertaken which supported the decision to carry out the improvements at the park

·  Further details about how the charging policy would be applied when using the new play area facilities

·  Had consideration been given to the use of the GoCV card at the park

·  A reminder that Coombe Abbey park was a facility to be enjoyed by all Coventry residents, for example dog walkers, cyclists and walkers should all be encouraged to use the park.




(1) The contents of the briefing note and presentation be noted.


(2) An update report be submitted to the Committee in six months, with a full update report being provided in 12 months.

(3) A briefing note be circulated to members on the market research that has been undertaken.


(4) Support be given to the opening up of the circular walk way around the lake.


(5) The issue of improving the bus offer to transport local residents to and from the park to be raised at the Committee’s meeting in February when the bus companies will be in attendance. The option of very light rail also to be explored.


(6) Future consideration be given to the inclusion of a bus hub in the car park along with electric charging points.


(7) Officers be requested to liaise with Rugby Borough Council about the potential of providing a cycle route to and from the park.


(8) Officers to investigate the potential opportunities that could be provided for local residents through use of the GoCV  cards at Coombe Abbey Park.   

Supporting documents: