Agenda item

Petition - Request for Residents Parking Scheme in Benedictine Road to be Extended to The Monks Croft

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place)


To consider the above petition, bearing 15 signatures, which has been submitted by Councillor Bailey, a Cheylesmore Ward Councillor, who has been invited to the meeting for the consideration of this item along with the petition organiser.


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) concerning a petition, bearing 15 signatures, which had been submitted by Councillor Bailey, a Cheylesmore Ward Councillor, who attended the meeting along with three local residents who spoke on behalf of the petitioners. The report had been requested by the petition organiser following the receipt of the determination letter. The petition organiser was unable to attend. The petitioners were requesting that the Cheylesmore East Residents Parking Scheme be extended to include The Monks Croft.


The report indicated that the Cheylesmore East, Cheylesmore West and Earlsdon Residents’ Parking Schemes came into operation in 2015. Since the installation of these schemes, petitions had been received requesting that the schemes were extended due to the transference of commuter parking into areas outside the scheme. 


Benedictine Road and The Monks Croft were part of the original 2014 proposals, but not implemented due to insufficient support. A location plan was set out in an appendix to the report. In response to a petition from Benedictine Road, both Benedictine Road and The Monks Croft residents were consulted in 2017 as to whether they now wanted to be part of the residents’ parking scheme. The residents’ parking scheme criteria included that 60% of households must be in support of a scheme before the scheme could be progressed. The required support was not received for the whole of Benedictine Road and The Monks Croft, however there was sufficient support for a scheme on the section of Benedictine Road from its junction with Carthusian Road to its cul de sac end and this was implemented.  After the scheme was installed a further petition was received from residents of Benedictine Road (living outside of the scheme area) asking for the scheme to be extended to include the whole road.


The Cabinet Member was informed that residents of The Monks Croft had also petitioned about parking issues. The response was to propose double yellow lines around the ‘grass triangle’ at the junction of The Monks Croft and Benedictine Road.  The legal process was commenced, but objections were received.  In response to the objections it was agreed to install a reduced length of double yellow lines. It was also agreed to consult with residents as to whether they wanted to be included in the Cheylesmore East Residents’ Parking Scheme, when the Benedictine Road extension was advertised.


In May 2019 The Monks Croft residents were consulted about being part of a residents’ parking scheme, but there was not sufficient support and no further action was undertaken to include The Monks Croft in the proposed scheme extension. This petition was received following the latest consultation.


The determination letter had therefore advised that the recent consultation undertaken prior to the petition, asking residents if they wanted The Monks Croft to be included in a proposed extension to the existing residents’ parking scheme, did not meet the required criteria of 60% of households being in favour.  Consequently, the proposed extension of the existing scheme would not include The Monks Croft. However, a further consultation with The Monks Croft residents would be undertaken 12 months after the scheme extension. A copy of the determination letter was set out at a second appendix.


The local residents sought clarification as to why six properties on Benedictine Road would be included in the scheme for The Monks Croft and informed of parking and speeding issues in the road caused by people parking during the day whilst at work. In light of the potential support for a scheme, a further consultation was recommended.




(1) The petitioners’ concerns be noted.


(2) Approval be given for a further consultation on the extension of the Residents’ Parking Scheme in Benedictine Road to The Monks Croft to be undertaken in January 2020.

Supporting documents: