Agenda item

Market Development Plan: Learning Disability and Autism

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (People)


Further to Minute 40/18 the Cabinet Member considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (People) regarding the Market Development Plan: Learning Disability and Autism.  Following the publication of Coventry’s Market Position (MPS) the intention was to produce a series of Market Development Plans (MDP) to provide the Market with additional information about population needs, current developments and gaps in provision.  The current plan was in relation to Learning disabilities and/or autism. 


The report noted that communicating effectively with the market was a key part of market development so that providers were aware of both the challenges facing Adult Social Care and some of the key areas where needs analysis signalled the requirement for services to be improved. 


The plan buildt upon the Market Position Statement issued in October 2018 and outlined to social care providers the expected requirements for this client group including the need for care and support to be developed.  The Market Development Plan also outlined developments that were already planned and when they were expected to come to fruition.


Councils had a duty to shape social care provider markets to ensure that a range of good quality provision was in place to meet the social care needs of individuals including adults with learning disability and /or autism.  This was achieved through good commissioning practice which ensured that providers were aware of the likely type and volume of support that was likely to be required both now and in the foreseeable future.  Market Position Statements (MPS) were a tool for providing communication.  In recognising their importance the production of a Market Position Statement (MPS) for Adult Social Care was a requirement as part of the Care Act (2014).


Cabinet Member for Adult Services approved the Market Position Statement in October 2018.  The Market Position Statement included: 

·  A statement to the market that focused on the priorities for both health and social care including joint commissioning, services to support reablement/enablement and community prevention 

·  Contextual information that enabled providers to understand main areas of change and the commissioning focus for the future in the light of this

·  A greater emphasis on informing the market of care need, demand and supply based on a data and intelligence

·  Data and evidence that created a clear link with the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment in relation to a knowledge of the prevalence of health conditions that contributed to wider social care and community preventative treatments

·  A set of clear commissioning intentions that articulated both imminent change in configuring/purchasing provision and future shaping for adult social care and support service


The Learning Disability/Autism MDP (appendix 2) was intended to achieve several objectives including:


·  Reiteration and building upon information about need and demand from the MPS

·  Reminding providers of the approach to adult social care and support in Coventry and its main objectives

·  Explaining development schemes already in the pipeline

·  Describing the likely residual demand that would require provision in the future 


The Cabinet Member and Shadow Cabinet Member discussed the following with officers:


·  Developing provision

·  Increasing numbers of people being diagnosed with autism and the criteria for access to services being based on need

·  Increasingly complex needs

·  Schemes in progress

·  Consideration of city placements

·  Community support

·  Day centres and work in local area hubs

·  Supporting independence for example, independent travel, training flat and kitchen

·  Costs of residential care for people with learning disabilities


Officers noted that the figure within the report regarding the average cost of placements should be £2,000 per week not £20, 000.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for Adult Services approve the Market Development Plan for adults with learning Disabilities and or autism

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