Agenda item

Care Quality Commission (CQC) Local System Review - Improvement Plan Completion

Report of Pete Fahy, Director of Adult Services


The Board considered a report of Pete Fahy, Director of Adult Services, which summarised progress against the improvement plan arising from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) System Review. Further to the routine monitoring reports, this was the final report which sought approval of completion, with outstanding actions to be taken forward and monitored through other mechanisms.


Further to Minute 38, the report indicated that the improvement plan, resulting from the CQC system wide review of health and care for people aged 65 and over in Coventry, was intended to give focus and drive to areas of activity and improvement already in progress across the system. The intention had been to complete work on the plan by March 2019 and ensure that this focus was embedded in programmes and activities across the system beyond that date. The plan was owned by the Board, who had maintained oversight through routine progress reports over the past year.


The CQC had carried out a light touch follow up process in autumn 2018. Their progress monitoring report was set out at an appendix to the report. This report highlighted the achievements and progress since the review in January 2018 and reflected positively on the direction of travel, whilst acknowledging further work was required, in particular around clinical pathways and local workforce strategy.


The report indicated that progress against each of the actions had been reviewed and a progress update was provided in the plan set out at a second appendix. The Board were informed that good progress had been made in many areas and some key achievements were highlighted. Inevitably there were actions that had slipped for reasons of capacity and in order to ensure effective stakeholder engagement. For these actions the progress update indicated how they would be embedded into system improvements in programmes and activities going forward.


The report set out a brief summary of progress and achievements to date against the following themes: vision and strategy; engagement and involvement; performance, pace and drive; flow and use of capacity; market development; workforce; and information sharing and system navigation.


The Board noted that the Local System Review in January 2018 had offered clarity, focus and reassurance that the areas, acknowledged locally as needing to develop and improve, were the right areas of focus. This enabled the system to move forward with renewed purpose to address those issues that were impacting on people receiving consistently good health and care services. There was good evidence to support system progress since the local system review was completed, with improvement in delayed transfers of care being a key measureable outcome and many other achievements detailed in the report. The overall impact of these actions would, in many cases, take longer than the time elapsed to take effect and the key challenge for the health and care system remained turning the progress made into greater, and then sustained, improvement.


The Board sought clarification that the remaining incomplete actions were being considered within the correct work streams/plans. There was an acknowledgement that there shouldn’t be any new governance set up for monitoring purposes.




(1) The progress made and the areas still to be addressed against the actions in the improvement plan arising from the CQC local system review be noted.


(2) The CQC progress monitoring report produced further to their light touch follow up in autumn 2018 be noted.


(3) The completion of the improvement plan and the outlined arrangements for taking forward outstanding actions be approved.





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