Agenda item

Better Health, Better Care, Better Value Programme Update

Report of Rachael Danter, Programme Director, Better Health Better Care Better Value


The Board considered a report of Rachael Danter, Programme Director, which provided an update on progress with the Better Health, Better Care, Better Value (BHBCBV) programme.


The report referred to the Integrated Care System. Following the publication of the NHS Long Term Plan, along with a 5 year investment schedule to support delivery, work was underway to respond. Systems were asked to develop a 5 year plan (5 year refresh) which would highlight what activities would be delivered over the next 5 years in what timescales, in order to meet the LTP requirements. This plan would need to be underpinned by a 5-year system-wide financial strategy and a capacity and resource plan. The Board were informed that this 5 year Plan would be a refresh of the previous BHBCBV plan and provided the opportunity to identify what part that the BHBCBV programme would play over the next five years in supporting successful delivery of ‘the Vision for Population Health’ as well as detailing how the Coventry and Warwickshire NHS system, working with partner organisations would deliver the NHS LTP requirements.


The Board were informed that the Transformation Plan needed to be developed and owned by the system leaders, the clinicians, staff, partners and patients and the public. The Plan would need to identify all the activities that would be undertaken at Place, System and Network in order to maximise the opportunities as a system. The report highlighted the key work-streams that would need to work with the wider system to identify opportunities and reflect these in their individual work-stream plans.


Reference was made to the Place Based planning for 2019/20. The NHS Long Term Plan described 2019/20 as a transition year for the NHS moving from traditional, competitive ways of working towards a more collaborative and integrated approach. During this period, the Coventry and Warwickshire health and social care system, would focus on three key priorities; continue to deliver great care for patients; to develop, test and embed the building blocks which would allow transformation of  the way commissioning takes place and provide services in the future; and to refresh the system Health and Well Being Strategy and develop an associated five year Transformational Delivery Plan that ensured the delivery of  the best quality and outcomes for residents, within the resources available. The report detailed the three priorities.


Additional information was provided on progress with the three priorities under the Clinical Strategy: frailty, mental health and emotional wellbeing and musculoskeletal.


The report also set out progress with the following transformational and enabling programmes of work:



Proactive and Preventative

Maternity and Paediatrics

Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

Planned Care

Productivity and Efficiency

Urgent and Emergency Care



Estates and Digital Health



Related programmes of work concerned both cancer and stroke. The report highlighted the key priorities for cancer within the NHS Long Term Plan. Transformation funding for 2018/19 for this area of £8.8m capital and £6.5m revenue had been secured and the Cancer Alliance would also receive an additional £2.04m. Additional information was provided on proposals for living with and beyond cancer.


The report set out progress and the current status of the pre-consultation business case for stroke. Once the proposed rehabilitation workforce had been considered by the expert stroke clinical network, then final costings of proposals could be concluded and the financial option appraisal completed. The pre-consultation case would then be presented for sign off and would then be ready for submission to NHS England for assurance testing.


A question was asked about the plans for obtaining the views of residents to feed into the Transformation Plan, including ‘fit and healthy’ people along with residents with health issues. 


RESOLVED that the content of the report be noted.


Supporting documents: