Agenda item

Petition - To Improve Safety at the Junction of Abbey Road and London Road

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place)


To consider the above petition, bearing 212 e-signatures, which is being supported by Councillor Bailey, a Cheylesmore Ward Councillor, who has been invited to the meeting for consideration of this item along with the petition organiser.


The Cabinet Member for City Services considered a report of the Cabinet Member for City Services that responded to an e-petition requesting the installation of traffic signals at the junction of Abbey Road and London Road, Whitley. The petition, bearing 212 signatures, had been submitted by a Cheylesmore Ward resident, who attended the meeting and spoke in support of the petition. Councillor Bailey, the Councillor Sponsoring the Petition and a Cheylesmore Ward Councillor, also attended the meeting and spoke on behalf of the petitioners. The report had been requested by the Petition Spokesperson following receipt of a determination letter, a copy of which was attached as an Appendix to the report, which advised of the road safety measures recently installed to reduce and prevent accidents at this junction. A further Appendix provided a location Plan.


The report indicated that London Road was a major route into and out of Coventry, and carried a high volume of traffic. Abbey Road and the surrounding road network comprised residential properties and a number of Schools. 


The installation of traffic signals required a number of important considerations, including personal injury collisions, vehicle flows, dominant turning manoeuvres and project cost. Analysis of personal injury collisions at this junction revealed that accidents predominantly related to speeding vehicles. To prevent collisions at this junction Average Speed Cameras (ASE) had been installed. There were currently no proposals to signalise London Road’s junction with Abbey Road, however this junction would continue to be monitored as part of the annual collision review. 


As part of the 2018/2019 Local Safety Scheme Programme, ASE cameras had been installed on London Road, from its junction with A46 to its junction with Allard Way. ASE cameras were a new speed enforcement technique that detected vehicles through Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) and calculated average speed by measuring the time taken to travel between defined points, a known distance apart. The benefits of ASE included speed management and enhanced road safety over the length of the road, including its junction with Abbey Road. ASE became operational in January 2019 and revealed that the number of drivers speeding at this location had decreased. Ensuring drivers travelled at safe speeds would significantly reduce the likelihood of accidents at this junction. A comprehensive evaluation would be undertaken after ASE had been operational for 6 months, and the results would be shared with the petition organiser and Local Councillors.


In addition to the ASE project, a number of other road safety measures had been installed on Abbey Road and surrounding roads in close proximity to the two Schools. This included the installation of a Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) installed in December 2017. An analysis of vehicular speeds since installation indicated that the VAS was successful in ensuring drivers drove within the speed limit; with 85th percentile speeds of 26mph and mean speeds of 17mph recorded. In July 2018, ‘School Ahead’ signs and carriageway ‘SLOW’ markings were also installed on Abbey Road and surrounding roads on all approaches to the two Schools with the aim of the measures to ensure drivers travelled at appropriate speeds on Abbey Road and surrounding roads. Observations revealed that each of the measures optimised road safety at this location. A School time 20mph speed limit was proposed to be installed in the 2019/2020 financial year.


The Petition Organiser outlined the concerns of the petitioners indicating that the London Road was a very busy road for buses, vehicles and pedestrians and incidents at the junction of Abbey Road and London Road had resulted in a fatality and many minor accidents. The average speed camera installation had assisted in slowing traffic speed along the London Road but sheer volume of traffic was a real concern. The design of the Abbey Road junction made the turning onto the London Road very hazardous with two lanes of traffic from the left and one lane of traffic from the right to consider. The installation of traffic signals at the junction would be a suggested resolution to the problem. Having regard to the current traffic issues and the impact of any potential further entrances/exits onto the London Road, further developments off London Road would require the careful consideration of access arrangements.


Councillor Bailey welcomed the recently installed average speed cameras on London Road and acknowledged the difference they have made to vehicle speed. He referred to the huge increase in traffic levels and the effects this has had on the Abbey Road and London Road junction, which has become dangerous both for vehicles and pedestrians. Councillor Bailey acknowledged the continued monitoring of the junction as part of the annual collision review and indicated that, having regard to budget restrictions, he would welcome any improvements in the future.  


Councillor Lakha acknowledged the increase in traffic levels along the London Road and that the Abbey Road and London Road junction and asked that careful consideration be given to access arrangements at the design stage, for any further developments off London Road.


The Council’s Highway Development Manager confirmed that this junction had already been identified as a ‘hot spot’ and was therefore listed for continued monitoring. He also confirmed that careful consideration would be given to traffic management measures at the junction for any proposed developments.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member for City Services:


1)  Notes the petitioners concerns


2)  Endorses the actions confirmed by determination letter to the petition spokesperson, as detailed in paragraphs 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 of the report, and monitor the impact of measures already installed.


3)  Officers be requested to consider the access arrangements for future developments in the area, having regard to the current traffic issues and the impact of any potential further entrances/exits onto the London Road, particularly at the Abbey Road junction.

Supporting documents: